Sunday, June 28, 2015


WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your husband these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say.

1. What is something your wife always says to you?
- Team work seems like no work or I need saving and I love you.
 2.What makes your wife happy?
- When I surprise her with things and do things for her. Oh and when I save her when she needs saving.
("I need saving" is code for "I need a hug")
 3. What makes your wife sad?
- When she hasn't seen her family in awhile. That also includes me.
 4. How does your wife make you laugh?
- *laughs to himself* She doesn't haha. Actually when she thinks she's being funny but she's actually not, that's funny.
 5. What was your wife like as a child?
- Nerd! And shy. I don't know maybe she wasn't shy.
 6. How old is your wife?
- 26.
 7. How tall is your wife?
- 5'2
 8. What is her favorite thing to do?
- Candy crush and blogging.
 9. What does your wife do when you're not around?
- Exercise, watch bachelorette, blog, watch the baby and do what mothers do.
 10. If your wife becomes famous, what will it be for?
- She'd be a writer.
 11. What is your wife really good at?
- Taking pictures and organizing things. You're OCD, that's good right? Oh and you're a great cook.
 12. What is your wife not very good at?
- Figuring out how much 1/3 cup is of something.
 13.What is your wife's favorite food?
- Sushi.
 14.What makes you proud of your wife?
- When we first got married she didn't know how to cook anything and now she cooks all the time. Second she's a very patient women, especially with me and especially with Addie. And she never gives up, sometimes.
 15. If your wife were a character, who would she be?
- Monica from friends because she's OCD about weird things, everything has to be clean and she's very competitive. And she can be bossy sometimes haha.
 16. What do you and your wife do together?
- Netflix, play video games, go on walks, and we play sports together.
 17. How are you and your wife the same?
- We look similar. We can both be prideful.
 18. How are you and your wife different?
- Different DNA. I'm okay just staying at home doing nothing and she wants to be out doing something.
 19. How do you know your wife loves you?
- She cooks dinner every night. She tells me she loves me all the time. She makes me save her.
 20. What does your wife like most about you?
- Besides my good looks? I think that's the only thing that got her.
 21. Where is your wife's favorite place to go?
- Anywhere outside of the house. As long as we're together. (He's a cheese ball).

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dad... a Daughter's First Love.

Happy Father's Day to my daughter's role model and hero! 
"A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and let's you try again."
Happy Father's Day Daniel George!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Twenty Six

I meant to blog earlier this week but then life got in the way. Actually teething got in the way which meant fevers for Addie and no sleep for everyone! Until last night! Last nights sleep was so good that the past five sleepless nights were just erased. :)
Sunday was Danny's birthday but we've been celebrating it since last Monday June 1st and we'll continue into this weekend. One thing about Danny is that he's very good at figuring out what his gifts are ahead of time (either that or I'm just horrible at keeping secrets from him) so I decided I had to be extra sneaky this year. Danny loves looking through his amazon account and he checks it through his email, phone app, and online. I'm surprised it's not his main homepage on his laptop. Anyway he has a wish list on his account so I decided to order things from his list instead of asking what he wants. To make sure he couldn't see what I ordered I changed the login info, email account and had his app deleted. I promised him he could have the info to log in after his birthday. 

His wish list is 95% books (I married a nerd) so I picked out three books and labeled them "for school, for fun, and for spirit". I also ordered a DVD and labeled it "for scare" (it was Jaws) and a Wii game which I labeled "for joy". He was allowed to open the Wii game first because our friend Courtney and her fiancĂ© Matt came over for a Nintendo game night. Danny opened a new gift each night during his birthday week and the last gift was a surprise Cleveland Browns onesie from and for Addie (which she barely even wore before having a blowout in it, but it was still cute). The day before his actual birthday Danny wanted to go to the dinosaur museum but that didn't happen as it was also the day Addie came down with a fever. We did get out of the house though while my in laws watched her so we could go to Wingers for dinner. 
Since Danny's birthday fell on a Sunday this year we mostly spent the day at home with his side of the family. Overall it was a pretty good day. The Payson temple was dedicated and we stopped by Alex Burton's house to see his family before going back for Danny's birthday cake.

His biggest birthday gift was a Kindle Fire HD and this weekend we'll finish celebrating by watching the new Jurrasic Park movie and then eating at Tucanos. 

The thing I love most about his birthday is that he's now twenty six years old! I'm only two months older than him but now the jokes can stop since we are technically the same age. :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Spring Family Pics '15

As a combined Mother's Day/Father's Day gift we went and got some family pictures taken over the weekend. I say family pictures but let's be honest it was mostly all about Addie :). We ended up not staying for the full session because Addie was both tired and hungry (I'll have to plan better in the future) but I loved the pictures we did get - crying pictures and all.

Here's just a few of them . . .
Today is the first day of Danny's birthday week so I can't wait for him to get home. He's not the biggest fan of surprises but he's getting them daily anyway!

Oh and here's one more picture because how can you not love this face??