Wednesday, May 4, 2016

DNA Results

I mentioned that for my birthday I got an ancestry's DNA kit from my mother-in-law. The results were expected to be finalized around 6-8 weeks but I got them back earlier than expected and was thoroughly surprised. I've gone my whole life not really knowing what my ethnicity was made up of so to now know is an awesome feeling. It's funny the random knowledge that some might take for granted when for another it could be the coolest feeling ever. I was pretty excited when I got the email back with the results that I called my parents in Germany before realizing that it was after 2am there. Oops. I took screenshots of my results so that I could always have them handy.

The only thing I knew beforehand was that I was Brazilian. What I was shocked to find out is that only 11% of my DNA makeup comes from the Americas. The majority (85%) of my DNA traced back to Europe.

The following pictures are screenshots of what pulled up when I clicked on the links on the left. They show more details as to what Italy/Greece, Europe West, Iberian Peninsula, Ireland and Trace Regions include.

I wasn't very surprised to see that this included Spain, Portugal.
4% showed I have African ancestry but I noticed that this also includes Spain and Portugal which makes sense to me.
11% showed Native American but when I click on that it shows that this includes America, Central and South America. Naturally I'm assuming this is really South America because that was the only information I did know before getting these results.
One day when Addie and any other future children ask me about my ancestry I will at least have an idea and an answer for them. Now if only I could find out what my biological family's medical history is then all my questions could be answered. :) 

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