Monday, July 25, 2016

Finally Announced

I finally announced my baby news to social media today! It was about time since I'm in my 21st week of pregnancy. Hopefully this second half will seem to fly by. 
I have my sister to thank for helping me with this picture. I also have fruit snacks to thank for since they came as a handy distraction with Addie. This cute face she's making is actually her chewing on the snacks. :)

Of course I have a backup picture that I didn't end up sharing on Facebook or Instagram but here it is on my blog:
"Raised into it, married into it, born into it and now another Cleveland fan on the way. Baby boy Fergy."

There's still a chance we'll share this when it gets closer to football season. Maybe the Browns will actually have a winning season in our boy's lifetime. 😉

More pictures just because I think my daughter is so cute. 
Addie with Aunt Jaina

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Baby Fergy

Is a . . .

Boy! Our little peanut is a boy! I went into my appointment today with no idea what gender it would be. I thought I would have a feeling or at least a guess but nope nothing.

I need to apologize to my little man though because for about two full months I referred to this baby as a she. I even called him Rylee (our girl name) during that time. Remember the Father's Day card I had for Danny from Addie? Well I also wrote that it was from Rylee haha. I think I was trying to convince myself we were having a girl. So I'm sorry little guy. Funny thing is that my very first thought after finding out I was pregnant was 'it's a boy'. I should've stuck with my motherhood intuition. :)

I had stopped referring him as a her about a month ago and I really had no idea what to think when it came to the gender. With Addie I just had a feeling she was a girl so I thought I would have some kind of a feeling this time around too. To find out this baby is a boy was pretty cool. Wow, one of each. I'm excited.

We were lucky today that we even got to find out the gender because this little boy would not cooperate during the ultrasound. We have to go back in a month for another scan where they hope he'll position himself better so they can get a clear visualization on all his organs and measurements. He was content staying curled up in a little ball today. One of my favorite shots of him is a close up of his little hand holding onto his toes. I'm not kidding when I say he was curled up in there. Good thing he finally stretched because that's when we got the one shot of his boy part. There's no mistake about it, this babe is definitely a boy. I'm excited knowing I'll get to see him again four weeks from now for a follow up ultrasound. Until then I'll just stare at the pictures we did get. :)
This pic is a little funny. His head is out of view to the bottom left and it shows his hand reaching down to his 'area'. Total boy.
Leaving the hospital.
I told her the news through blue suckers.
Our first boy purchases.
Big sister Addie.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Girl or Boy?

Tomorrow we should know if this baby is . . .

* 💙 Hudson ðŸ’™ 
💜 Rylee ðŸ’œ

We are excited for either one. Baby Fergy you were wished for, longed for, prayed for, fasted for, and so badly wanted. We already love you.

* 75% sure on this boy name. 

In case anyone missed our news this post is about how we found out.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Irrigation Water and First Haircut

I've mentioned before that we live not too far from Danny's grandparents' house and it's quickly becoming one of Addie's favorite places to visit. She loves their playground, the sheep and their toys and now she's in love with their irrigation water. Once a week Colleen and Paul essentially flood their whole yard and lets Addie run around in the water. Instead of setting up a sprinkler system this is what they do to water their property which was new for me before becoming a Ferguson but not to Danny. This is also what his parents do to water their little farm yard. Danny's grandparents usually have a summer party where all of the cousins and their families come play in the water and enjoy a barbecue but Grandpa Paul hasn't had the best health this year so it hasn't happened. Because of his health we make sure to take advantage of all the time we can get with them. I feel blessed living so close to them. This last time we went we were joined by little Georgia, Jaina and Jill which was fun. Georgia is definitely a water baby with absolutely no fear of it. She's going to have a lot of fun in a year when she's Addie's age and able to run around with her.
The pictures above also show that Addie recently got a haircut. She did way better than I expected for it being her first time. We took her to Cookie Cutters and it was the right choice because little children are their specialty. Addie chose a little yellow car to sit in and was able to watch a show while the cut was done. She was rewarded with a sucker and a pink balloon. It was definitely time for a little hair trim because if her hair wasn't up in a little pony or held back in a clip then it was always covering her eyes. I'm sure she agreed with us that it needed to be done.
Before Picture
After Picture
This picture was taken the day after her haircut.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July Weekend 2016

My fourth of July weekend started on Saturday and it was a day of many firsts for me. I was invited by Jaina and Donna to go see Tim McGraw perform at the Stadium of Fire. I had never been to a concert before so now I can finally cross this off my bucket list! I'm glad I went even though I struggled with the decision as I went back and forth all day deciding if I'd take the extra ticket. The reason I hesitated is silly now but I have never missed Addie's bedtime and I felt sad about it. It was weird knowing I would leave that night and not see her until the next day. I knew I would peek into her room either way but still I thought she would care if I wasn't the one to put her to sleep. Turns out it matters more to me than it does to her. :) It hit me that day that I haven't had a girls night since having my daughter. If I leave to go see my sister or some of my friends I always bring her along. I'm with her so much that I don't know how to not be with her. Danny pushed me into going with his mom and sister because he knew I needed to get out of the house and I'm glad he did. So it was my first time missing Addie's bedtime, first time leaving her for a couple of hours (and not having Danny with me), first time going to a concert, first time experiencing the Stadium of Fire and I believe it was also my first time stepping into the BYU stadium. 
Watching Tim McGraw perform was awesome! Have I bragged about my mother in law yet? She's one of the most generous people I know. She spent way too much on the tickets ($400) but when she does something she always goes all in. We had pretty good seats and she even got me a tee shirt so that I could remember my first concert. Thanks Donna! 
These last two pictures aren't mine but they're too good to not post.
This one is also obviously not mine. :)
We spent Sunday at church and then had a late lunch with one of my mission companions (Sister Castellano). We weren't too far from Mapleton so we stopped by my in-laws that evening as well. I always enjoy spending time there. We were supposed to wake up early Monday morning for the 4th of July parade but Addie was still sleeping so I decided to sleep in as well. We had stayed up late the night before and I didn't think it would be worth it to take a grumpy toddler. It's funny because I also chose sleep over the parade last year so Addie has still not experienced her first parade. That's okay she'll like it more next year anyway. Danny was also okay with my decision because he never gets to sleep in since he wakes up early every day. We spent all day at my in-laws again and had a lot of fun. We finally got around to doing the Easter egg money hunt tradition since we never did that in March. Danny, Addie and I made out with the most money added up so this year was good to us. :) Joey is usually the champ but Danny's competitive side must have come out this year which was awesome for us. 
Donna had a little pool set up for the grandkids which Addie loved and Dave barbecued some hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. 
Addie loved the fireworks that were far away and was scared of all the ones that we set off in front of Dave and Donna's house. They were too loud and close for her comfort. I mentioned that Donna always goes all in and the same goes for the fireworks they buy. They don't settle for the small ones that stay on the ground which are the ones I grew up with and I'm okay with those ones. They go for the huge ones that go off high in the sky. Something crazy happened as we were watching the fireworks. I was sitting on a blanket with Addie and Danny but since Addie was a little scared we decided to move away from the blanket and stand near the front porch. Literally within the next minute or two a firework shot up and landed on the blanket we had just been sitting on. The blanket exploded. True story. We have Addie to thank for the decision to move from where we were.
Poor flash from the camera was in her eyes.
Good thing we got off this blanket.

We took Addie inside before the fireworks ended and watched a little from indoors. If fireworks weren't so loud I think she would enjoy it more. Her favorite part about the faraway fireworks were pointing out what colors they were. She's in a phase right now where she LOVES colors. She knows all of them (she still confuses purple with pink though) and she has to point out each color she sees. I think my favorite part about watching her grow up is how excited she gets with each new thing she learns. Kids are awesome. I can't wait to teach her the reason we celebrate independence day and I hope she always enjoy family time just as much as I do. 
Playing with her new toy grandma got her.