Monday, July 11, 2016

Irrigation Water and First Haircut

I've mentioned before that we live not too far from Danny's grandparents' house and it's quickly becoming one of Addie's favorite places to visit. She loves their playground, the sheep and their toys and now she's in love with their irrigation water. Once a week Colleen and Paul essentially flood their whole yard and lets Addie run around in the water. Instead of setting up a sprinkler system this is what they do to water their property which was new for me before becoming a Ferguson but not to Danny. This is also what his parents do to water their little farm yard. Danny's grandparents usually have a summer party where all of the cousins and their families come play in the water and enjoy a barbecue but Grandpa Paul hasn't had the best health this year so it hasn't happened. Because of his health we make sure to take advantage of all the time we can get with them. I feel blessed living so close to them. This last time we went we were joined by little Georgia, Jaina and Jill which was fun. Georgia is definitely a water baby with absolutely no fear of it. She's going to have a lot of fun in a year when she's Addie's age and able to run around with her.
The pictures above also show that Addie recently got a haircut. She did way better than I expected for it being her first time. We took her to Cookie Cutters and it was the right choice because little children are their specialty. Addie chose a little yellow car to sit in and was able to watch a show while the cut was done. She was rewarded with a sucker and a pink balloon. It was definitely time for a little hair trim because if her hair wasn't up in a little pony or held back in a clip then it was always covering her eyes. I'm sure she agreed with us that it needed to be done.
Before Picture
After Picture
This picture was taken the day after her haircut.

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