Sunday, January 22, 2017


Today at church I was talking with someone who lost her baby at 35 weeks because the cord was wrapped around the neck four times. Yes, four times. That's the same number of times that the cord was wrapped around Hudson's neck. This same person then told me about her sister in law who lost her baby at thirty weeks because the cord had a knot in it. Hudson's did as well. I held my son this night with a heart full of gratitude that he's here. 

I knew he was a miracle but today it hit me just how real the miracle truly is. He shouldn't be here today but he is and I'm forever grateful for that. It's a wonder that he even lasted 39 weeks in me. I will never regret my decision to be induced and have him one week early. Each day counted and I didn't know it. I don't know what I would do if I had to deliver a stillborn. He's my miracle baby, my little fighter. 

'For this child I have prayed'

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