Monday, June 5, 2017


Tonight for FHE we thought it would be fitting to do a lesson on missions. It's been ten days since Jaina entered the MTC and I wanted Addie to better understand where her aunt went and what she's doing. We explained that a mission is when someone goes away for a little while to teach other people about God, Jesus, church and families. We told Addie that Jaina has been called to serve in Maryland. We keep telling her that her aunt is on a mission but I don't think it will really resonate with her until we go to their house and she realizes that Jaina isn't there. Addie adores her with all her heart and I love their relationship. We also explained to Addie how Danny served in the Philippines and that I had served in Brazil. We also told her that Grandma and Grandpa are currently serving in Europe. When I told her that she looked at me and asked "I'm up?". She thought I had said "you're up" instead of "Europe". So we told her that my parents were in Germany and she accepted that answer even though she has no idea where Germany is. Addie will be able to make her own choice later in life if she wants to serve or not and no matter her answer Danny and I are blessed to have her in our family. I'm sure Hudson would've babbled in a few times with his participation in the lesson but he was already asleep so we let him be. :)

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