Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Wishes for Hudson

Huddy buddy is now six months old! He turned six months old on Friday and is now halfway to being one! He's getting bigger and stronger and I love his personality. I've been told by several people that he's just a chill baby. Even before I started getting those comments from others this was something that I already knew about him. It's almost like he knew he was going to need patience coming into a small family with a toddler. He spent his first four months of life being constantly sick but he was still full of cheeky smiles. Lately he's also started laughing at the things that his sister Addie does. It's really cute because you can tell how much he already likes her. He's doing really great with sitting up and he's trying so hard to crawl. He's not exactly crawling yet but he does get around. He scoots and rolls to whatever he wants and I have a feeling that he'll be officially crawling in the near future. Also one of my favorite milestones happened just a few days before he turned six months old . . . he says MAMA! I love it! It's his first word and it makes me so happy! He's such a sweet boy and is always smiling. Even when he's sad he'll still give you a little smile in between his little whimpers. Goodness I love this kid.

Hudson is easygoing and is finally sleeping great throughout the day. It turns out that he'd rather put himself to sleep. He self taught himself how to soothe himself. He lets you know when he's tired but he prefers not to be rocked to sleep, instead he just wants to be placed in his crib and left alone. It's bittersweet. It's what every parent says they want but now that we have it I miss the snuggles that come with rocking him. He does let me rock him for bedtime but there have been a couple times where even then he'll fuss until I put him down in his crib where he'll put himself to sleep on his own. This last weekend he did have a low grade fever so he shared some cuddles with me and is back to being his easygoing self. He's loved so much by our family and fits in perfectly. Hudson we love you and are so happy to spend the rest of eternity with you.

At six months old Danny and I both sit down and write down our "hopes" for our babies. One day I hope Hudson looks back on these with a smile.

I hope that you – attract goodness.
I hope you aren’t afraid – to stand up for others. Be a voice that uplifts those around you.
I hope you love – your family. We already love you so much. Also if you turn out to be a mama's boy I wouldn't mind it. :)
I hope you laugh – at yourself. Life is easier to those who can learn to laugh at themselves and move forward.
I hope you never forget – God. He'll never forget you.
I hope you ignore – temptations. Life is full of them. Learn early in life how to ignore them.
I hope you become – the best version of yourself.
I hope you respect – your leaders. You will be asked to do difficult things in your lifetime. My advice is to respect, listen and heed the council of your leaders.
I hope you grow – up to be a gentleman. Chivalry is becoming a rare trait in society but I hope you embody what it means to be a gentleman.

I hope that you – treat your mother and sister with respect. Always.
I hope you aren’t afraid – of giving your best effort.
I hope you love – learning. I hope that at school you can soak in everything you can. I hope you enjoy learning and exploring the beautiful world where we live.
I hope you laugh – at farts. Or when you make mistakes.
I hope you never forget – the things your parents have done and will do for you.
I hope you ignore – when people say negative things about you or family members.
I hope you become – a missionary.
I hope you respect – all people.
I hope you grow – up.

Happy six months little man!
Link to Addie's wishes from us.

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