Thursday, July 6, 2017

Let Freedom Ring

It's no secret that I love holidays, all of them! This year's 4th of July was a pretty great one. This year I made the decision that we would make it to the parade. I've talked about going for three years now but every time the morning has come I've changed my mind and chose sleep instead. Not this year. We all made it out of the house and met Jill at the Provo parade where she saved us some seats. The last time I have been to a parade was when I was kid and I really wanted to experience it again with my little family. It wasn't exactly like the parades I remembered as a kid but it was still cool to experience it especially with Addie there. She loved it. She thought it was so cool. Hudson didn't really care and mostly just sat contently on my lap. He's the most chill baby I've ever known and I'm so glad he's mine. Boy was it a hot morning! 
Sweet tired face.
Originally I had wanted for us to all go swimming after the parade but the heat was so strong that Addie didn't want to leave the house and Hudson took a long nap so we decided to just relax at home until dinner time with Danny's family. We had a nice barbecue dinner with the family before setting off fireworks. Danny and I were both amazed at how well Addie did with the fireworks. She's never been a fan of fireworks up close and was always a little scared of them. We were planning on this being the case this year as well and we planned on being back home with the kids in bed before dark, but Addie decided this year that she all the sudden loves fireworks and wanted to stay to watch all of them. So Danny and I reluctantly stayed longer than we thought we would but it ended up being worth it because of Addie's enjoyment. Hudson also did remarkably well. The noises never phased him and he loved watching them. I on the other hand was the scared one. I kept having flashbacks of the previous year when a firework exploded on the blanket I had been sitting on. I was pretty nervous but thankfully nothing terrible happened. Addie's favorite was holding the sparklers and throwing the poppers. It was a pretty long day and both kids went to sleep so easily by the end of the night from pure exhaustion. 

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