Thursday, November 9, 2017

Staph Infection

Exactly two weeks ago we were lucky enough to get Hudson into the doctor's office as soon as we did. I had just come home from Addie's dance class and I was changing the kids into their pajamas for the night when I noticed how bad Hudson's toe was. At first I thought it was pasta from our dinner earlier and when it hit me that it was the skin off his toe I nearly got sick to my stomach. It looked disgusting. I showed Danny who had been home with him and he was just as surprised as I was by his toe. Hudson had been just fine all day with no sign of any infection on his toe. No redness, nothing. We didn't know what it was or what had caused it. It looked like a burn but nothing like that had happened to him. Hudson wasn't even phased by it. Danny got the first aid kit out to clean him up but my gut feeling was to take him in. Mostly because I wanted someone to teach me how to care for it since I had never seen anything like it. Danny finished getting Addie ready for bed while I took Hudson to doctor's office. It was after hours and the place was super busy but when the nurse saw his foot she immediately made room for him in the schedule. It only took thirty minutes from the time that I got home with Addie to the time that a doctor was examining Hudson's toe. The first doctor thought it could be a bite from something. He had a second doctor take a look at it and she thought it looked more like a chemical burn. They called a third doctor in and that doctor predicted some sort of a staph infection. All three didn't have a definite answer. They thought it was odd that Hudson wasn't bothered by it at all. They were touching and poking it and not once did Hudson even give the smallest flinch. He was completely un-phased. They said that usually a staph infection comes with fevers and high temps but all of Hudson's vitals were normal. They said that if he had the slightest fever they would've admitted him into the hospital for a possible staph infection. They decided to treat it as if it was a staph infection and prescribed him some medication for it. They cut off a piece of his skin for testing, wrapped up his toe and told us to come in early the next morning for a fourth doctor to take a look at it. The next morning we took him into the doctor's again for his follow up. The results from his testing wasn't complete but it was showing positive signs for a staph infection. They said to continue with the medication and to bring him in as soon as he starts showing signs of a fever. They thought it was odd that he still didn't show any signs of pain from his toe. He was fine all day. The next morning on the third day the office gave me a call again wondering about him. They told me that the testing was fully complete and that he had full blown staph infection and wanted to know if he was showing signs of pain yet. It was weird but Hudson must be a tough boy because not once had it bothered him. Once again they told me to take him to the hospital at the first sign of discomfort. It's been two week and his toe has completely healed. I feel lucky that he was able to be seen as fast as he was and that he had been started on the strong medication even though the doctors weren't even sure what he had when they prescribed it to him. Hudson seems to catch everything. He's sure got a hold of me. :)
(These pictures don't show how red it looked in person)
 (7 days later)
Today (it was the best picture I could get, he kept moving).

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