Friday, March 2, 2018

Fifteen Months

Huddy D is 15 months old! He now consistently sleeps through the night (hallelujah) and is always looking for adventure. If there is something he can climb and stand on then he'll go for it. It can get a little scary sometimes because he thinks he's such a big kid. I know all babies are different and we shouldn't compare them but there are some big differences between him and his sister. In fun ways though. Addie was a way better sleeper from birth, she is always healthy and at fifteen months she could say forty words. Hudson was not a great sleeper, is almost never healthy and can say twenty one words. The doctor was actually still impressed that he could say even ten words. Hudson is a lot more social than Addie was. She was always happy playing by herself but Hudson is always looking to make friends and include himself in other's activities. He wants to be in the middle of everything whereas Addie wanted to be far away from groups of people. The best difference with these two kids are the cuddles. Hudson can give the BEST cuddles! He's content being snuggled on your lap and will sit there for awhile. He's always giving hugs and I love it. He's a mama's boy. For a long time if Danny ever gave me a kiss then Hudson would hurry and give me one too. It was almost like he had to be the last one to give me loves. It's pretty cute. He gets jealous if I'm ever holding Addie on my lap or giving any one other than him some attention. He's a sweet but wild boy. He's fallen down the stairs more times than I'd like to admit because he's so determined to walk down them like an adult. Danny and I plan on taking him to a jump trampoline place because he would be in heaven climbing and jumping off things, it would also burn off some of his great energy. He's definitely more advanced physically than Addie was. She didn't start climbing ladders or going down slides by herself until she was closer to three years old whereas Hudson can already do all that. He's a little monkey and can pull himself up on to high furniture and he's so proud of himself for it.

Addie at 15 months finally reached 20 lbs at 20.24 lbs and stood at 31 inches long. Hudson weighed 22.5 lbs and measured 33 inches long. He's in the 43rd percentile for weight and 95th percentile for length. It's amazing how tall he is since his parents aren't. He got three vaccinations in his legs today and took it like a champ. Actually there was some crying involved but he was immediately better once I picked him up and comforted him. We then went to UVU and let him run around the grounds before taking him home for a nap. 
Hudson buddy I sure do love you. You've been the perfect son for our little family.

Current Words:
Uh Oh
Love You
Night Night
All Done
Want Out

The cutest thing lately is he can point out his head, eyes, nose, teeth and belly button.

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