Monday, February 4, 2019

First Bites

Grant was introduced to both table and baby food recently and he is not a fan. At all. Our first attempt was spaghetti. It was what we were having for dinner so we gave him some to try. He screamed the moment he realized he had something on his tongue. He did not like it nor did he know what to do with it. I had waited for him to turn six months old before introducing any foods to him because I was going to do the baby led weaning approach. That is when you skip the baby jar foods and go straight to table foods. We have done both with our other kids. With Addie we did the traditional puree baby jar foods and she did great with it however as a toddler she was a pretty picky eater and still is to this day. She had a problem with a lot of textures when trying new foods and it's really hard still to get her to eat a variety of foods. With Hudson I had heard of baby led weaning (BLW) and was on the fence about it but then one day he took a whole taco right off Danny's plate when we were distracted and started chowing down on it. He loved it so much. That's when I felt confident in moving forward with the table foods approach. I don't know if it's because of BLW but he turned out to be an amazing eater. He still is a better eater than Addie and will try most foods with no problem. Because of our night and day differences with Addie and Hudson I wanted to try it with Grant to see if we can avoid another picker eater. Well it might be too early to tell but so far he's not on board. After we had tried spaghetti, we also attempted avocados and he still did not like it. Danny went to the store a couple days later and bought baby oatmeal and purees. He reacted the same way. I almost wish I had recorded a video of his scream whenever he had food on his tongue but it was pretty sad. We do have to consider that maybe the timing is just off as well because poor baby is not feeling well. We'll have to give it some time and then try again but for now enjoy these cute little sad faces of a little boy who has food that isn't mommy's milk in his mouth.
The calm before the storm. First time trying oatmeal.

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