Saturday, November 2, 2019

Halloween 2019

This year Addie had her first ever school Halloween party. She chose to be a unicorn and she was the cutest. She was debating on leaving the house as either Owlette, a tiger or a unicorn and eventually chose the last one. Although we do themed costumes every year that does not mean that they can't change their mind or can't have a decision when it comes to what they wear for trick or treating. I've always let them choose whatever they want to be for actual Halloween night. They have so many options with all of the costumes and play clothes that we own that they usually change their mind up to three times on the evening of. I actually love seeing what it is that they decide to be when leaving the house. This year Addie decided to be a unicorn for both her school party and for walking around the neighborhood. Hudson wasn't feeling good at all and didn't want to get into any costume but did wear his Pilot jacket so he still looked great. Plus there's no one who would deny a little two year old boy just because he wasn't in an obvious costume and if there were someone than that person obviously has deeper issues. It turns out that Hudson broke out in a fever and had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. We felt terrible for him once we figured out what was wrong with him and would have definitely kept him home had we known. Grant went dressed as Jack Jack from the Incredibles because he doesn't really care and he actually likes wearing it. Danny and I went as Mr and Mrs Incredible as we walked around with our kids and received a lot of positive comments about our costumes. 
First school party
The first house was to our favorite neighbor Debby Swan and Grant was terrified of their giant dog. After that he was pretty content only being held and avoided knocking on doors until he knew there wasn't any surprise animals waiting for him.
I love this day and I'm already looking forward to next year. Like I mentioned in a previous post we already have our themed figured out, however I will try my best to be patient and not buy all the costumes already. Let's face it, we know I'll at least buy one before the end of January. ☺️
The hint for next year? You gotta catch em all. 

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