Monday, June 15, 2020

Preschool grad upstart

Addie is a preschool graduate times two! She was enrolled in two different preschools and I'm just glad she loved both. She graduated from Waterford Upstart today which is a free online preschool program. I originally enrolled her in it in hopes that we would have a back up plan in case I didn't feel like the BYU program would be a good fit for her and needed something to fall back on; however she loved and thrived in both and that makes my mama heart happy. Her Upstart instructor even gave me a call and informed me that Addie was at a first grade reading level which was amazing to hear firsthand the progress and achievements that this program was adding to her preschool experience. Because of all the Covid 19 restrictions in place Addie wasn't able to have a typical preschool graduation. Instead she was sent a shirt, paper cap and diploma in the mail and was instructed to watch a little graduation video online. She didn't mind and didn't know any different. I think she was honestly a little happy to now just play the rest of summer.

Also she only paused briefly for this picture above to be taken and you wouldn't know it but she has a beetle in her closed hand. She immediately went back to bug hunting after I said we were done with pictures and then caught two butterflies. I love this smart little girl even if she's currently obsessed with little critters that I could definitely do without. 

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