Saturday, August 22, 2020

Seven Year Anniversary and Zoo Day

If I could go back and talk to these two I'd let them know that despite what most people told us the first year actually wasn't hard at all. It was pretty fun. I would tell them that the arguments and challenges would surely come though, but that it has yet to break them. I'd warn Danny that seven years will pass and that his wife would still somehow hog the bed every single night and that this probably won't change anytime soon. She can't help it and no matter where she starts the night he'll likely end up on the edge. I'd tell them that applying to grad school would be extremely stressful but that it works out and Danny will be given travel opportunities he'd never dreamed of. I'd tell them that they'll bring three beautiful children into this world and that even though each birth would have their own unique aspects they all turn out okay. I'd tell them that they'd be expecting their fourth and final and that it's going to be the best thing for them. I'd tell them that their opposite personalities will make some moments difficult but their core values always stay the same. It's been almost seven years and I love where we're at, so maybe I wouldn't say anything to our younger selves because we've somehow figured us out.

We spent the morning of our anniversary with meeting some of my siblings and my parents at the Hogle Zoo. The kids had so much fun and because of some Covid restrictions in place we really didn't deal with any crowds. It was nice and we went early enough before it got too hot. Tonight as I was putting Addie to bed she told me that our anniversary was the best day ever because we got to go to the zoo as a family. She was cute about it.
Our anniversary evening was spent pretty low key but it also was perfect. With me being pregnant and just recently moving into a new place we really didn't put too much planning into it. All I knew was that I really wanted Thai food and we were both okay with that. We got Danny a gift for the garden and the gift I was going to get ended up being a little too expensive at this time so it's going to be a rain check. I really just wanted a quiet evening at home with some Thai food so that's what we did. I agree with Addie, it was a pretty good day. I can't believe by this time next year our family that Danny and I have created will be complete. Not too bad for being seven years in.

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