Sunday, February 7, 2021

New Family Vehicle

We crossed off a big item from our to do list and got ourselves a new family vehicle! Our previous van wasn't big enough to fit all of our family in it which was unfortunate because it would have been really nice to not have any car payments. But it also feels good to know that we were able to get a really good deal on a van that should be more reliable in the long run. I've been eyeing cars online for the last two weeks and when this one popped up online I knew we'd have to go look at it. It's a 2018 Honda Odyssey with everything we wanted included even though we would have done without if needed. Apparently the Honda Odyssey is the only minivan on the market that fits five carseats in it. You would think that this would be a standard in all minivans but it's not and its the main reason we had to get rid of our Chrysler Town and Country. By the time we were able to go look at the van it had already been online for three days and we later found out it was constantly being called about. We pulled up to the dealership just mere seconds before another family pulled up to look at the same van we were interested in. I didn't know this but Danny noticed them. While we were unloading the kids he told me that I could go ahead and go inside to ask about it and that he'd join me with the boys. Addie went with me and had I known to be in a hurry I would have waddled faster but like I said I didn't know we had another family right behind us and anyway we made it to the door and was able to look at the van we wanted first. It's a good thing Danny was more aware of our surroundings and sent me in or we would have missed the opportunity to snag this van up. Danny and I knew as soon as we saw the car that it would be ours by the end of the day. It was everything we wanted but more importantly it was everything we needed. I still can't believe that in just about three weeks we will be adding two more carseats for our new additions. No one but Pollyanna knows we are even buying a new car so luckily we haven't dealt with the why questions from any family members but I'm mentally prepared to answer any questions that might come up without giving away our surprise and the real reason for the need to get a new car.

Oh also that family that was interested in the van as well tried to work their magic and get us not to go through the sale and I felt bad because I could see that they really wanted it too but the fact that we don't have much time left and that this vehicle was perfect for us was enough to not stray away. I'm sure they'll find something just as good for their family of four. :) 

Here's to hoping we can pay this one off just as quickly as we have done to our previous cars. 😁

New Car
Old Car

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