Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021

Today is Valentine's Day and I can't believe how much the kids have grown in just one year. On my social media throwback memories some pictures that I took last year popped up and the kids look so young to me, especially Grant. He was still such a baby and I miss it even though I do love the stage he's in right now. Also in my memories were pictures that I took of all three in 2019 and I loved those just as much. Because of how happy those memories made me I knew I had to take some pictures of them as well this year. They all agreed on one condition, I had to also take a second picture of them holding their new Pokemon plush toys that they received this morning as their little Valentine's gift. I actually think their smiles were even bigger in their Pokemon picture haha. Danny may have spoiled them this year by ordering them those plush toys because they aren't very cheap, but the kids do play with them which is nice compared to the many toys they have and don't even touch. At least we know they'll play with these. I thought their Pokemon obsession that started around two years ago would have faded by now but here we are and they very much still love all things Pokemon.

Pictures below are the ones that popped up this morning on my social media. These are from 2019 and 2020.


Addie woke up very early this morning hoping to start off Valentine's Day as soon as possible and was a little grumpy that she had to wait for her brothers to wake up. She actually didn't have to wait and we explained that to her that she could go ahead and enjoy her Valentine's Day gift and treat (which were skittles) but she insisted that she wanted to do it when they do it but was also upset that we wouldn't go wake them up. Danny and I were a little frustrated that we weren't sleeping because she was in our room and kept talking and she was equally upset that her brothers were sleeping. It's all okay though and it worked out. I gifted Danny with some new Nintendo Switch joy con paddles and he gifted me with a new Mario Brothers Switch game and cheesecake filled chocolate covered strawberries. I'll take chocolate covered strawberries over flowers any day and every time. The kids especially loved Dad's new Nintendo paddles because we had a boxing game that we couldn't play before due to not having enough paddles for everyone.

Danny also made a delicious roast beef Sunday dinner and the kids ate so well and then went to play amongst themselves which was super nice because for once Danny and I were just able to sit and talk at the table. There's a questionnaire being shared all week on social media so we decided to answer the questions together. The questionnaire is below:

Valentine's Day Challenge

First Date: we technically met on a blind date but the first date where he asked me out was to Color Me Mine which is place you paint ceramics. 

How long have you been together: eight years

Married: 7 1/2

Age Difference: I'm two months older and he doesn't let me forget it. :)

Who was interested first: Him

Who said I love you first: Him

Most Impatient: It depends. If it's food related than I am. If it's driving or sometime's kid related it's him.

Most Sensitive: Definitely me.

Loudest: In group settings it's neither of us.

Most Stubborn: Him

Falls asleep first: It depends on who is the least stressed. We go back and forth on being the fast sleeper. Although I can sleep any time anywhere and he can't always.

Better Cook: Both of us. I can cook well but he enjoys cooking more.

Better Morning Person: Definitely him.

Better Driver: He says both but I say him. 

Most Competitive: Hands down it is me.

Funniest: I think I'm funny but he doesn't see it.

Where do you eat out most as a couple: Tucanos or Rodizio Grill.

Who is more social: Me

Who is the neat freak: 100% me.

Where was your first kiss: my front porch

How long did it take to get serious: two months but we were pretty exclusive shortly after we met.

Plans date night: Haha we never have time for dates anymore. It used to be me though. Now neither.

Who picks where you go to dinner: Him because I can never make a decision.

Who wears the pants in the relationship: I say him. He says both.

Who cries more: Me. I've maybe seen him cry three times our whole marriage.

Who sings better: Him. He has the voice of an angel :)

Who hogs the remote: Neither of us. We don't watch a lot of tv and when we do we watch the same show together.

Did you go to the same school: No

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together: California. It was supposed to be Europe but that of course didn't happen.

Who drives when you are together: always him. I prefer it that way.

Who spends more money: Him.


  1. I agree about the smiles being bigger in the picture with their stuffed "friends". All of your children are defiantly photogenic!
    Love you,
    Mom (Debbie)

  2. Wonderful blog! The global pandemic changes the way celebrations. These days every festival is celebrated virtually. The virtual Valentine’s Day can still be an opportunity for creativity. Instead of making Valentine’s cards this year, participate in unique ideas for virtual Valentine's Day activities. These virtual activities event includes fun games and activities for work, offices, and employees
