Monday, January 3, 2022

2022 Goals

Here's a recap of my 2021 Goals. 

2021 GOALS

-       Study Come Follow Me Individually
-       Plan weekly church lessons for the kids


-       Attend sacrament meeting in person at least 1x a month (we've currently been participating through zoom)
-       Be open to accepting help from others this year (this will be my hardest goal yet)


-       Keep blog up to date monthly
-       Keep finances up to date every pay period instead of end of each month. (I'd like to try this one again)


-       Learn to love my body
-       Lose baby weight by end of the year

Last year I promised to go a little easier on myself. I knew it was going to be a crazy year and I didn't want to overwhelm myself. I'm glad I was able to recognize that going into the year. I also wrote that my biggest goal was to just survive it. My exact words were "Honestly my biggest goal for myself this year is just to survive it. I want to do well but I also want to be okay if I don't. If at the end of the year the only thing I'm able to check off is that I've learned to love my new body that will be enough." 

It's the start of a new year and I can say that I love myself and this new twin mom body but I'm also ready to really work on myself even more. This year I'm going to be selfish and for once put a lot of focus on myself. I did not end the year with the baby weight gone but I did end it with the grace that I needed for myself.

2022 GOALS








This year I'm going to do my goals a little different. Instead of focusing on the four different areas (spiritual, social, intellectual, and physical) I'm not going to categorize my goals. I really only have one goal - to work on my insecurities. I have some outward appearance insecurities that I'm finally going to tackle and I'm really excited to do it. 2022 is going to be a selfish year because I'm going to work on ME. It's about time I do it. 😁

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