Friday, November 1, 2024

Halloween 2024

Our first Halloween in Fargo! I had to go to Costco earlier in the day and these girls wanted to leave the house in last year's costumes. It's so funny because Quinn's owl costume barely fits but she was so excited when she saw it as I was grabbing something else from the Halloween bin. That led to Rylee wanting to wear her elf costume over her Halloween pajamas. I ended up having a little Costco pizza lunch date with these two little cuties.

As soon as Hudson came home from school he jumped into his old Charmander costume. 😊

We never did get around to actually carving the pumpkins that we picked at the pumpkin patch but the kids had just as much fun putting stickers on theirs. I especially love how much cleaner this is than going through the whole carving process, although next year I'm sure we'll try to make time to actually carve them.

Grant's pumpkin
Rylee's pumpkin
Addie's pumpkin
Quinn's pumpkin
The front and back of Hudson's pumpkin
The kids all did a Halloween craft as well. They made bracelets, magnetic frames and necklaces.
Of course we had our traditional Papa Murphy's Jack-O-Lantern Pizza.
I've always said that on Halloween night they can choose to wear whatever costume they want. Whether that be from our family's theme of the year, an old costume or something they create the day of, I really don't mind. This year Quinn decided to be Hedwig again (which is hilarious because she has lived in her ghost spider or her unicorn costume all month). That was the only costume that kind of shocked me because she had completely forgot all about it until she saw it right before leaving for Costco. Grant wanted to be Mario. He's been super obsessed with Mario for over a year now. Rylee wanted to be Luigi when she saw that Grant was going to be Mario, but then changed her mind right before leaving the house and switched back into her Dobby the elf costume. When Addie saw that Hudson was going to be Charmander she became Pikachu. It might be her last year in the costume because it's getting too short on her. Honestly those Pokemon onesies have held up for so long. I can't believe she was five when she first wore it and now she's ten.
Since we ended up having zero superheroes trick or treating I got into my old Snorlax costume. Honestly it's the most comfortable and softest costume and I didn't want to be cold while walking. I could see why two of the kids chose theirs to help keep warm. I will say that this weather really had us missing our Halloweens in Texas. When Danny saw that Addie, Hudson and I were all Pokemon he pulled out his old Ash costume. And that's how we left the house with Ash, Snorlax, Pikachu, Charmander, Mario, Dobby and Hedwig.

Not pictured is a friend of the kids from school that came and walked with us all night. 
By the end we had everybody's candy bag in the wagon because they got too heavy.

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