Monday, May 25, 2015

May Happenings

This past month has been filled with fun family activities and I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess it started on the last weekend of April when my mom got remarried in the Draper Temple. My mom had a pretty good turnout from most of my siblings that night at their ring ceremony, even Nilza and Sabrina flew in from Texas for the occasion.  I was glad at how happy Addie was that night as she was passed around from one family member to the next. The greatest thing about that day though was knowing that my mom found someone she can be really happy with. Congrats Mom and Bob Senior! 
Getting ready to go to my mom's wedding reception
Addie and GiGi (the Flower girl/dog)
The following week we went to the Payson Temple open house with Danny's family. That temple is beautiful! Danny's uncle Tim came with us to the open house and we had a pretty good talk about our religion on the drive home. Danny and I still have conversations about that talk pretty frequently. After the open house the whole family met up with Jill and Joey and we all ate at Apollo Burger before finishing the day off at the aquarium. Spending the entire day with the Fergusons was really fun. 
Payson Ut Temple
Not too happy to be a squid
Danny and I went on our very first date without Addie the following week. You would think that after seven months of having Addie it would be easy to go away for just a couple hours but that wasn't really the case. It was harder for me than it was for Danny. Danny's mom paid for everyone to watch the Avengers but since Rand and Ashley had already seen it they offered to babysit Addie for us. I was kind of a wreck after we dropped her off. They have three kids so I never doubted their abilities for one second, I was just worried that Addie might give them a hard time. She has been such a mama's girl lately and she's super shy with most people. She's also going through a phase where she's absolutely refusing bottles. We were prepared though and we made sure she had plenty of Gerber banana food to keep her satisfied. Danny and I dropped her off and I couldn't even get myself to tell her goodbye. We ate at Red Robin before joining the rest of the group for the movie. I wasn't allowed to text Ashley about Addie for the whole night but that's where my mind wandered to every five minutes. Danny assured me she was fine and at the end of the night everyone survived. Ashley later told me that Addie kept saying "mama" which felt good because she's constantly saying daddy now days. I loved how excited she got once she saw Danny and I at the door.  It was a long four hours but it was also good to just have couple time with Danny where we didn't have to worry about waking up a sleeping baby :). I'm sure one day Danny and I will be begging people to babysit so we can leave the house every now and then. 

Avenger's Movie Date
For Mother's Day we spent time at my parent's house and then went back to West Jordan the following Sunday for Aria's birthday party. I can't believe that little girl is now two years old! She's the whole reason Danny was hoping for a baby girl when we were expecting Addie.

We have been trying to spend more time with my side of the family this month especially since my parents are moving to Europe next week. It's so crazy how fast things have changed. My parents got their mission call ten days ago and gave their farewell talks yesterday. They leave next week to start working all over Europe until their missions officially start in January. It's a unique situation and I'm going to miss them a lot. They are planning on coming back the end of June for a week or two and then they plan on coming back for the holidays this winter. I guess Addie is going to have to get to know her grandparents better through Skype. 

Waiting for Grandpa and Grandma's mission call via skype
I've loved all of this extra time I've been able to spend with my parents and siblings. My dear friend Jessica Correa got married three days ago in the Draper temple and had a beautiful temple sealing. Danny had to work but that night we all went to the reception with my parents, Sam, Ammon, Lamoni, Allen and JoAnn. This was by far the fanciest wedding I've ever been to and it was a lot of fun. It was an outdoor reception that was held at a mansion with the most coolest grounds we've ever walked on. I wish I took pictures of the property but maybe I'll post those after Jessica gets her wedding pictures back. I did get a few of Danny and Addie though near one of the many duck ponds. 

The only bad thing about this past weekend is that everyone that went to the reception ended up getting food poisoning. I've never had food poisoning before and I hope to never get it again. By Saturday night we were feeling better so Danny and I went on a date (of course with Addie). We were craving soup so we went to Zupas. I love my little family and I love creating memories with Danny and our baby. 

Family Date
Today is Memorial Day and Danny and I are just waiting for Addie to wake up from her nap so we can go out and create more memories. :)

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