Friday, January 22, 2016

Late Night Thoughts

It's late and I should be asleep but I have too many thoughts going through my head right now. I feel like I've blogged a lot this month but I guess that's okay because these posts are for me anyway. Two years ago from today I found out I was pregnant. I'm still in disbelief when I think about my initial reaction. Addie Rae has turned into one of my greatest blessings. I tell Danny several times a day that "I really like her". I'm in awe at how quickly she picks up on new words everyday. She makes me feel lucky. My heart truly aches for those who long to become parents. I don't know what I would do without my little girl.

Being a mother to my little one feels like a do over. Growing up I didn't really have that mother daughter relationship everyone else seemed to have. I was often jealous of what appeared to come so easily and naturally to others. For the first part of my childhood I grew up being raised by maids and nannies. After that it was my stepmom and although I can say we are closer now that hasn't always been the case. 

I think there's more to why I was so scared two years ago when I saw the positive sign. I was scared I wouldn't be a good mom. I worried I wouldn't be able to play that role because a part of me didn't understand what that role was. Addisyn has taken all those worries and fears away. I still have fears of course but they're different now. Those fears no longer have to do with my abilities. Addisyn has changed me. Because of her I look forward to future children. Because of her I LOVE being a mom. 

Addie means more to me than she'll ever fully understand. I feel 100% blessed to have a daughter I get to be there for. Thank you sweet girl for this bond we get to have. I love you with all my heart and I'll never let you forget that. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ice Castles

Danny had both school and work off yesterday (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) so we had our January date and went to the Midway Ice Castles. Addie of course came with us and to my surprise loved it. I also invited Pollyanna, Rick and Aria to come with us but for the first hour it was just our little family of three. We left before it got too cold but it might be fun to go back one year to see the ice castles all lit up when it gets dark.
Elsa, Anna and Kristoff from Frozen were there.

We will most definitely go back there again. I can't wait to see if Addie will like it just as much when she's a little bigger. I put this place on my bucket list soon after seeing the music video that Alex Boye made singing the song from Frozen. Well worth the experience. 

Let it Go music video.

Year of Dates

One of my gifts to Danny for Christmas was a year of pre-planned dates. I got this idea from Pinterest and just had to do it.

I guess we'll see if we'll actually stick to these plans but so far it's started off great.

January - Midway Ice Castles
February - Movie night (in or out)
March - Vacation (fingers crossed we do this one)
April - Miniature golfing
May - Hike and Picnic
June - Aquarium
July - Tickets to a sports event
August - Family swim day
September - Bowling
October - Jaker's Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Patch
November - Organized couples game night
December - Christmas Lights

The best part about this plan is that the majority of them are free or fairly inexpensive (only 3 out of 12 cost over $20). As a family Christmas gift we renewed our Pass of all Passes so I tried to find activities that were included in that.
This picture was taken from Pinterest. The one I made Danny was similar.
"To show that I love you,
Throughout all the year,
I've made up some date nights,
To send you good cheer.
Some may be big,
And some may be small,
But the time spent together,
Is the point of it all."

Pinterest Link Here.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pet Peeves

The other night Addie and I went to my in-laws for dinner while Danny worked. While there Danny's youngest brother asked me what my pet peeve was. Truth is I have plenty of them. Here's 15 of mine and 15 I thought Danny would answer.

* When someone posts a picture and says my husband/baby is better than yours. (Are they? How could you honestly know?).
*When someone asks you if your baby is a good baby. (How are you supposed to answer that?)
* When someone talks negatively about their spouse.
* When I see people i know become trolls (cyber bullies) on the internet. (Oh you hate the Kardashians and think it's funny to comment "who's Kim?" No. Either use google or keep scrolling.)
* When the cabinets and drawers are left wide open.
* When someone gives something sticky to my daughter and it gets on her clothes.
* When drivers drive in the carpool lane and there's no one else in the car.
* When clothes are on the floor and the hamper is two feet away.
* When someone tells you that something will be done by a certain time but then don't stay true to their word. (This was the answer I shared with my brother-in-law).
* When someone chews with their mouth open.
* When my DVDs are out of their order. (Unfortunately for me putting them out of order is Addie's favorite thing to do).
* When I let the dishes accumulate in the sink.
* When someone continues to use foul language after knowing I feel uncomfortable around it.
*When someone rings the doorbell several times within a second and my baby is sleeping.
* My biggest pet peeve (the one thing I really cannot stand) is when someone makes fun of another person about something they can't control. Even worse is when the person is put down in front of other people.

I was trying to think of Danny's pet peeves and they mostly all have to do with driving or cars.

* When he sees a bad parking job.
* When a slow car is in the fast lane (sorry honey!).
* When someone speeds up just to pass in front of him.
* When a driver doesn't use their blinker.
* Being on the road with more than five other cars (he's definitely not a city guy).
* When he sees a distracted driver on their cell phones driving near him.
* When another driver's lane is ending soon but they intentionally wait to merge into your lane at the last second.
* When someone follows uncomfortably close behind him.
* Hearing any Kelly Clarkson song while he's driving.

And the few that aren't driving related.

* When someone takes their food out of the microwave before the timer goes off and doesn't clear the numbers when they're done. He hates seeing that there's two seconds left for food that isn't inside instead of the actual clock.
* Waiting in a long line at the grocery store.
* Getting cut off while in the middle of his sentence.
* Loose hair.
* When someone acts really cocky and think they're the coolest/smartest person in the room.

Wait there's one more.

* Clutter. He hates feeling like he's a hoarder.

Also Danny and I both get equally annoyed when we see other parents fully aware but consciously ignore a mess their child is making and don't intervene.

- So Danny is home now and I read this list to him to see how accurate I was. His response, "nailed it". Except he wanted to add two things to his list haha. One is when he's tired but I'm keeping him awake because I'm in a chatty mood. The other is . . . people. Just people in general. Haha these things make us sound unpleasant to be around, but trust me we can be fun too. :)

{A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to himself, to a greater degree than others may find.}

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Talbot-Ferguson Wedding Pics

Marie and Ty decided to use the same photographer that Danny and I used for our wedding. He's a family friend from my home ward growing up so we were excited to see him again at this wedding. I'm really glad that Alex (the photographer) was able to get quite a few pictures of us at this celebration.

I'm still really glad there was no video footage of our duet together. I'm okay with just pictures that this happened. :)

Here Am I, Send Me

Today I got a wake up call. A well needed one too. Let me back up real quick. Danny and I have been married for two years and we've now been a part of five different wards. We were in our first ward for three months before that ward split and we were moved into our second ward. We lasted five months in that ward before we moved to Mapleton. Our Mapleton ward was our longest at a little over a year until we moved to Orem/Vineyard. We were in that ward for two months and then that ward split as well and we were no longer in their boundaries. Today was our first Sunday in our new ward. To be honest I was looking forward to this recent change. I was really hoping that we could start over fresh and meet new people. Honestly I felt a desperate need of making friends and someone I can relate to since we plan on being in this area for awhile. Our previous calling was in the nursery which was fine but we didn't get to interact with a lot of people. It's easy to feel secluded in there. 

Well last night we met with someone in the bishopric and we were given our new calling. The nursery. This is the third time we've been asked to serve there and I felt disappointed. I know this is bad but I was really bummed and all that hope and excitement I had felt for this new ward was gone. I was sad that we hadn't even had our first Sunday and a chance to meet anyone in our ward yet and I felt that we now wouldn't get that chance. My attitude was horrible last night. Of course I accepted the calling but my heart wasn't all in. 

There was a moment today where I took Addie into the mothers room to change her diaper. I could hear the speaker from the ward after us over the intercom. I only heard two minutes of her talk but those two minutes were meant for me. She talked about the meeting we all had in heaven where we were going over God's plan for us. Satan was at that meeting and said, "here am I, send me". Jesus was at that meeting as well and also spoke those words, "here am I, send me". Sounds pretty good right? Well it only sounds good if the intentions are good. Satan was willing to go, however his motives were different. He wanted glory. He wanted something out of it. Jesus was willing to go but it wasn't because of any other interior reasons. He was willing to go because it was in accordance to God's plan and His kingdom. At this point I don't know what else the lady said in her talk because my thoughts took over from there. I thought about last night. In a way I also said "here am I, send me" but what my heart really meant to say was "here am I, send me, but only if I can make new friends in this ward and not in a calling where I'll feel secluded from others" or "yes but only if it's a calling where I'll meet my new best friend". I wanted something out of a new calling for myself. I should have said yes because this is where God needs me to help grow his kingdom. I did verbally say yes yesterday but I definitely did it with a reluctant heart. Today I got the wake up call my soul needed. We weren't able to get set apart today but next week when we finally are I'm glad to know my heart will be in a better place and my "yes. Here am I, send me" will be because I sincerely want to give all glory to my God.

Besides how can I complain about church with Danny by my side as we get to watch Addie interact with other little kids? If anything it's a pretty incredible blessing. :) I'm embarrassed to admit I needed this attitude adjustment today. 

One last thing. This last week during my personal scripture study I came across this quote from President Thomas S. Monson. 

"So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment. . . . We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude. "

Monday, January 4, 2016

Ice Skating

Today my parents entered the MTC. My only regret is knowing that Addie's relationship with them could've been better. She'll be almost three when they get back so hopefully they can develope a stronger relationship by then.

We did join them for the traditional Moeller ice skating party on Saturday and I'm glad we did. It was their last big thing we would do as a family before today. Sadly I only got one picture with them but I did get some other pictures that day. 
We used our Christmas giftcard from Mama Fertig to Texas Roadhouse that night because I was in a lousy mood and didn't want to cook. 
I wonder if these next eighteen months will fly by or drag on. Only way to find out is to accept each day as it comes.

Here's the last picture I have of Addie and my dad from New Year's Eve last week. 
 Serve well in Europe!