Friday, January 15, 2016

Pet Peeves

The other night Addie and I went to my in-laws for dinner while Danny worked. While there Danny's youngest brother asked me what my pet peeve was. Truth is I have plenty of them. Here's 15 of mine and 15 I thought Danny would answer.

* When someone posts a picture and says my husband/baby is better than yours. (Are they? How could you honestly know?).
*When someone asks you if your baby is a good baby. (How are you supposed to answer that?)
* When someone talks negatively about their spouse.
* When I see people i know become trolls (cyber bullies) on the internet. (Oh you hate the Kardashians and think it's funny to comment "who's Kim?" No. Either use google or keep scrolling.)
* When the cabinets and drawers are left wide open.
* When someone gives something sticky to my daughter and it gets on her clothes.
* When drivers drive in the carpool lane and there's no one else in the car.
* When clothes are on the floor and the hamper is two feet away.
* When someone tells you that something will be done by a certain time but then don't stay true to their word. (This was the answer I shared with my brother-in-law).
* When someone chews with their mouth open.
* When my DVDs are out of their order. (Unfortunately for me putting them out of order is Addie's favorite thing to do).
* When I let the dishes accumulate in the sink.
* When someone continues to use foul language after knowing I feel uncomfortable around it.
*When someone rings the doorbell several times within a second and my baby is sleeping.
* My biggest pet peeve (the one thing I really cannot stand) is when someone makes fun of another person about something they can't control. Even worse is when the person is put down in front of other people.

I was trying to think of Danny's pet peeves and they mostly all have to do with driving or cars.

* When he sees a bad parking job.
* When a slow car is in the fast lane (sorry honey!).
* When someone speeds up just to pass in front of him.
* When a driver doesn't use their blinker.
* Being on the road with more than five other cars (he's definitely not a city guy).
* When he sees a distracted driver on their cell phones driving near him.
* When another driver's lane is ending soon but they intentionally wait to merge into your lane at the last second.
* When someone follows uncomfortably close behind him.
* Hearing any Kelly Clarkson song while he's driving.

And the few that aren't driving related.

* When someone takes their food out of the microwave before the timer goes off and doesn't clear the numbers when they're done. He hates seeing that there's two seconds left for food that isn't inside instead of the actual clock.
* Waiting in a long line at the grocery store.
* Getting cut off while in the middle of his sentence.
* Loose hair.
* When someone acts really cocky and think they're the coolest/smartest person in the room.

Wait there's one more.

* Clutter. He hates feeling like he's a hoarder.

Also Danny and I both get equally annoyed when we see other parents fully aware but consciously ignore a mess their child is making and don't intervene.

- So Danny is home now and I read this list to him to see how accurate I was. His response, "nailed it". Except he wanted to add two things to his list haha. One is when he's tired but I'm keeping him awake because I'm in a chatty mood. The other is . . . people. Just people in general. Haha these things make us sound unpleasant to be around, but trust me we can be fun too. :)

{A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to himself, to a greater degree than others may find.}

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