Thursday, February 16, 2017

Ferguson Grandchildren

Ashley, Jill and I got together with all of our kids and got their pictures taken a couple weeks ago. This is a surprise to Donna which she won't see until Mother's Day in May. She really wanted to get a picture of all of the grandkids in their matching shirts for Christmas but it just never happened. She then mentioned a couple weeks ago that she would still like one but for Mother's Day. Soon after my conversation with her I came across an ad of a Valentine's special going on and I knew that I needed to take advantage of this deal with Jill and Ashley. The main reason we needed to get it done now rather than later is because Hudson is a chunky little guy and he doesn't have much longer before his shirt will no longer fit him. Plus it was too good of a deal to ignore. Even though we won't be gifting this gift until later I needed to post it here now because Addie is ADORABLE! Seriously I love her little face in this picture. I know I might be biased because I'm her mother but goodness I love her expression here. She adores her cousins and was loving the fact that she got to sit right next to Jayden. I'm sure Donna is going to love this picture of her grandkids and I can't wait for her to see it.
Addie, Jayden, Jacob, Brooklyn, Georgia and Hudson

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