Friday, September 29, 2017

Tear Ducts

Today Hudson finally had an appointment that I have been dreading. The time came for him to see an eye doctor. Hudson has had clogged tear ducts since birth. When he gets sick or even a little congested his eye issues worsen. There have been many mornings where poor Hudson wasn't even able to open his eyes because they would be gooped shut. It would even stick shut just after a thirty minute nap. He was treated with eye drops twice and no matter how often I used a damp washcloth on his eyes it never seemed to permanently fix it. I've always had surgery in the back of my mind ever since he was about two months old so in my heart and mind I've always known this was possibly going to be in his future. His pediatrician kept brushing the topic aside as his well checks and would always assure me that it wouldn't even need to be looked at unless he was still having issues with it at nine months old. It hasn't been as bad as it has been in the past but at his nine month check up he did still have clogged tear ducts. It was the first time the pediatrician labeled it as chronic and referred him to an eye specialist. The appointment was made and that appointment was today. The doctor today confirmed that he does have clogged tear ducts on both eyes with one being worse than the other. He recommended two options.
  1. Hudson would be put under and have surgery on both eyes to open up his tear ducts. This wouldn't be until after he turns one in two months since he is still pretty young.
  2. We can do the procedure in the office within the next week where Hudson would be awake and held down during it. With this case the doctor would only work on one eye.
Both options freak me out. The first option didn't completely surprise me because I've already contemplated that this scenario would probably happen yet I still don't have complete peace of mind over it. I've heard horror stories of little kids being put under and not waking up yet the idea of him being awake for it sounds awful and there's no way he'll stay still for tubes to enter his tear ducts. I also am worried that I might not be strong enough (emotionally) to physically restrain Hudson while this procedure happens with him being awake for it. As of today Danny and I both lean towards different options and since we didn't come to an agreement I chose not to schedule anything so that we can give it further thought. He does have a followup appointment scheduled but does not have a procedure date figured out. 

Huddy buddy I sure love you. Hopefully this can all disappear on its own.
At least he liked the waiting room.

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