Saturday, September 30, 2017

Addie Rae is 3!!

My Addie Boo is three years old!

All About Addie Year Three

Favorite Foods: Pizza! She really loves pizza. She also loves Mac 'n Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Quesadillas, Spaghetti and almost all fruits.
Favorite Shows: Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, Peppa Pig, and little kid YouTube videos.
Favorite Songs: "The Finger Song", Can't Stop The Feeling (Trolls), and True Colors (Trolls).
Favorite Movies: Trolls.
Favorite Toy: She loves her little Peppa Pig toys. She has over twenty little figurines. She uses her imagination daily with them and we love it. She also loves her beanie baby animals and sleeps with one every night.
Favorite Books: Mouse Paint, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and Good Night Book.
She Can: Count to 29, spell her name, memorize her bedtime books, and understands the concept of games and loves playing them. Her favorite is her dinosaur memory game and Candy Land.
She Weighs: Aprox: 28 lbs.
She Stands: Aprox: 37 inches.
She Loves: One on One Time, Being Outside, Nursery, Her Dance Class, Nursery, Charisa's House, Minnie Mouse, Parties, Donuts, Princess Poppy, Paw Patrol, Peppa Pig and PJ Masks.
She Dislikes: Peaches, Being Dirty, Time Outs, Missing Nursery, and Sharing her Favorite Toys.

I absolutely love and adore this girl. She's a sweetheart but boy does she also have moments of pure stubbornness. I don't know if its because she is the first born, three years old or that she's incredibly smart but sometimes my patience reaches its limit with her. She's sassy, sweet and smart. Sometimes she's too smart. She's also perfect. She's the best version of her little self. She's so loved and I hope she always feels it. We celebrated her birthday yesterday with a Minnie Mouse birthday party and donuts. It was her request this year. She didn't want a birthday cake, she wanted birthday donuts and she specifically wanted them to be pink and chocolate with lots of sprinkles. She got what she wanted. :) Going to Disneyland was the biggest expense this year as far as celebrating her birthday but we also still wanted to do something extra for her. We took her to the pet store and came home with 15 fish for her new fish tank. Uncle Rand gifted her with a good sized fish tank and Addie loves it. She only named one of the fish and I love the name she chose - Poppy. It's probably her favorite name right now and I think it's so cute. It's from the Trolls movie which is currently her favorite. We also went to the party store where we picked up Minnie Mouse balloons and party supplies. Danny's family arrived at our place around 7pm and Addie was so spoiled from all of them. I've married into a pretty cool family.

Today is her birthday and it's also the first day of General Conference. We watched both sessions and then Danny went to the priesthood session which is why we celebrated her birthday yesterday. I sang Happy Birthday to Addie several times throughout the day because I wanted her to feel extra special. I had plans this evening to celebrate Addie with my side of the family but all plans fell through so instead we went out to dinner with Grandma Donna, Aunt Ashley and Addie's cousins Brooklyn and Jayden. It was a very good night. I ended it with us getting a vanilla Frosty from Wendy's before both kids went to bed tonight. Danny is on his way home from the priesthood session as I type this.

A little more about Miss Addie Rae.

Someone asked me if it was crazy to believe that Addie was now three. My answer was no. It's weird because I remember feeling a little sad when she turned one and then when she turned two and it wasn't that way this time around. I think it's because she hasn't felt like a two year old in my eyes for a while now. She's so advanced and smart for her age that she's seemed older than her actual age to me for quite some time. She's also tall for her age so that makes a little difference as well.

Addie has a crazy good memory. She can recite about ten books word for word, her favorite game is the memory game and she can remember every move you make. She remembers moves even you forgot you made and she'll remind you. She grasps games really well and is pretty competitive which makes games with her actually fun. I'm a competitive person and it looks like she's just the same, maybe even more. Lately everything is a race to her and her goal is always to win. Whether it's eating dinner, brushing your teeth or being the first one to the car, it's all a game to her. It's part of who she is and it's nice that she's not a poor sport when she loses. Something else that we both have in common is that she has some level of OCD. Her toys have to be lined up a certain way and if not it really frustrates her. She has to do things in a specific order and I am the same way. I'm starting to see a lot of similarities between the two of us which is cool to see and learn.

Addie started dance about a month or two ago and she's so in love with it. She's good at it too and I look forward to it every week because I love watching her do something she loves.

Addie loves her one on one time and she's someone who needs it. When she gets grumpy I know that she's in need of special individual time and that usually does the trick. Every day during Hudson's and Georgia's nap times Addie and I make sure to have our own special time together. It's better for everyone when we're able to do this. She's nicer to Hudson, Georgia and is overall a happier child. She has her limits when it comes to sharing. She does her best but after a while she just needs her space so we try to allow that for her. She does so well entertaining herself and is a very independent child.

She's still a picky eater but is slowly doing better eating different foods. We've learned that she'll experiment anything new if you tell her that Princess Poppy loves that particular food. Sometimes  if she needs extra convincing we'll even 'call' Princess Poppy on speaker phone which is usually Danny on the other line pretending to be Poppy. We've also had Marie, Jill and Jon pretend to be Poppy in order to get Addie to eat something.

When she was about two and a half we were finally able to stop milk bottles for bed. We told her that cows stopped making milk at night and only made water. She believed it and making the switch wasn't too bad. She still needed bottles every night until about a month ago. We bought her new sippy cups and got rid of all her bottles. She also stopped carrying her broken binky everywhere around this month. It fell underneath her bed and she's seemed to forget about it. It's still underneath her bed and she has no idea. I'm going to wait to see how long it takes for her to realize and ask about it. The next milestone will be potty training which we will be starting next week. Addie knows this and is excited to wear underwear but we'll see how she'll really feel when we actually do it.

Addie Rae you're three years old and it's been nothing short of an adventure. I love you big girl.

Favorite pics from this year.
Favorite video of her this year:

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