Friday, February 16, 2018

Baby Bean Is A . . .

Bean is a little guy! I'm so excited. I said I wouldn't care either way what the gender was but I think a part of me was hoping for a little girl. Once I saw his little profile on the screen though and found out he was a boy I was overcome with excitement. I can't wait to see what he'll look like as a newborn. Addie and Hudson came with us to the appointment. Hudson doesn't know what's going on but Addie was really interested. She came up and sat right next to me as the ultrasonographer was putting the gel on my belly and getting the baby up on the screen. I loved hearing her say over and over how cute the little baby was as she watched the lady point out all the little parts. Before the sonographer got to the potty shot she said, "alright dad, what do you think your baby is?" Danny said "well I think my wife wants a girl and since she's two for two on not getting the gender she wants I'm going to say this one is a boy". Sure enough she showed us the potty shot and there it was. He wasn't shy at all. Before she could even say anything Danny and I both said "oh there it is". "You guys see that too right?" haha yep we sure could see it. Danny's comment before to the sonographer was right by the way. With Addie I hoped for a little boy and with Hudson I wanted a second girl. It was funny that he mentioned it at the appointment even without us really discussing our preferences to each other. This means that he's three for three in guessing correctly each of our babies' gender. What I didn't know was that Danny secretly had a preference as well. He was hoping for a little girl and it totally caught me off guard that he was a little bummed when we found out it was a boy. I had no idea he would feel that way but I guess it does make a little sense because Addie is a daddy's girl while Hudson is obsessed with his mommy. He would love to have a second daddy's girl but I'm sure he'll love this boy just as much. :)
16 weeks 1 Day
Now we just need to figure out this little guy's name; and by we I mean Danny. We went back and forth on Hudson's name because I wanted Daniel as his middle name while Danny wanted Alexandre. I finally convinced Danny by giving him full naming rights on a future boy's name. So Hudson's middle name ended up being Daniel and this one is for sure Alexandre but that's all we know for now. I told Danny he has ten more weeks before I take over and pick a name if he hasn't decided by then haha. I'm not a very patient person but for this pregnancy I'm going to have to be. Until this guy has a name he will continue to be known as Baby Bean. :)

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