Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tomorrow We Know :)

We planned on waiting until 20 weeks to find out the gender of Baby Bean and even have the ultrasound scheduled for March 14th but Danny's mom surprised me this week with cash for an early gender appointment. We will be finding out tomorrow (if baby cooperates) and I'm pretty excited. I have no idea or 'feeling' what gender this baby is and I'll definitely be surprised either way. I also don't have a preference and will be excited for either one. A boy would be fun because he'll be so close in age with Hudson but if this is our last baby then I would love another girl! By this point with both Addie and Hudson we pretty much had their names picked out. With this one we don't have any set yet. We've played around with some ideas but to be honest because of how crazy our life is right now we haven't really discussed much about this pregnancy. 

Possible Boy Names
Grant, Jones, Cole, Levi
(Middle name Alexandre)

Possible Girl Names
Rylee, Jane, Colleen, Hailey
(Middle name Gene or Alexandra)

Whether Baby Bean is a boy or a girl I cannot wait to plan for this little blessing. Addie is pretty confident this baby is her little sister and Hudson has no idea that he's about to share me with yet another person. If he could have his way he wouldn't share me with Addie or his dad. Good thing he has a little over five months to get used to the idea. :)

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