Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

In their Easter outfits the Sunday before.
Happy Easter 2018! This year Easter fell on April Fool's Day as well as General Conference. As we have been doing  in the past we have decided to continue our tradition of celebrating the Easter basket part on the Saturday before Easter morning to make this day more centered on Christ. Addie was really excited about Easter this year. She's also really big into games (especially Monopoly) right now so we decided that we would get some family games to go with their Easter gifts this year and to avoid as much candy and sweets as we can. We bought a kid's version of Monopoly because she loves the original adult version but that game can take hours and we don't have the patience for that haha. We also introduced her to Connect 4 but that isn't pictured with their Easter goodies because we ended up caving and gifting it to her before Easter weekend. It was also nice because since we had General Conference we needed her to be entertained as much as possible so that Danny and I could get as much as we could out of the talks this year. 

I'm someone who LOVES holidays and traditions and my mom heart wanted to give my kids the typical Easter celebration experiences with egg hunts and such but with it being on General Conference weekend this year I felt strongly that we needed to watch all of the sessions as it was happening live. This year has been a roller coaster ride to say the least and my soul needed the talks badly. I was worried with how the kids would do spending our Saturday and Sunday watching conference but they did amazing! Especially for a three year old and a one year old. Hudson did sleep through two of the four sessions but I couldn't have hoped for a better conference experience. Addie and Hudson were both given a water coloring book to help entertain them along with another toy each. Addie loves princesses so we got her an Ariel doll and Hudson likes cars so he got a pack of  hot wheels. They both also got bubbles and new rain boots. 
We tried to make the time in between sessions as exciting for them as possible so between the Saturday session we created our own little egg hunt outside in our yard for the kids. They both got six eggs each so it wasn't a lot but it was enough for them to feel content. They also got to play with their new bubble toys which they both loved.
Then today in between Sunday's sessions we dyed Easter eggs with Addie while Hudson was still taking his nap. She was so cute during it.
The name of the week. :) We don't actually know if this is Bean's name but it's a top contender.
Addie felt that this egg needed to be decorated and then requested that a new picture be taken haha.
After the sessions we had an Easter dinner with my side of the family which was nice. Danny and I usually spend Easter with his side of the family but with my parents back from their mission it was nice to switch it up a little. Debbie made an Easter candy handout for every grandkid that attended so our kids ended up getting a good share of candy and sweets anyway. :) I've said this before and I'll say it again, I love holidays as a mom. Kids make everything better. This year though General Conference was the reason that this Easter turned out perfect.

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