Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sick Girl

Addie has been our healthy little girl. The last time she threw up was when she was a baby so when she got sick last night with a little stomach bug I think it freaked her out a little. She was scared and didn't know what to think of it. Poor girl went to bed and the last thing she said was that her tummy hurt. She's never said that before and our first thought was that she was saying it because she wanted some medicine since Hudson got some for his teething pain. Turned out her tummy really did hurt. She woke up covered in throw up and was so lethargic. It took everything for her not to doze off while Danny was cleaning her up in the bath. We had her sleep on a mattress in our bedroom last night where she got sick a couple more times. Each time she got sick she wanted to go right back to sleep but had to wait for us to get her bed ready again. We felt so bad for her. This was a whole new experience since Hudson has always been the unhealthy one and not her. Luckily it seems that this little bug she caught was short lived because she woke up feeling more like herself despite not getting a full night's rest last night. Goodness I love this girl of mine and wish her nothing but happiness and health.

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