Monday, June 4, 2018

18 Months Old

As of two days ago Huddy D is a year and a half old and can officially join nursery! He's been going for about a month now though. In our old ward he kind of snuck in there during sacrament meeting one Sunday when he was roaming the halls and we couldn't get him to sit still in the chapel. He discovered all the toys and that was that. There was no hard transition. In fact it was hard to get him out. Class was starting and the nursery teachers and other kids had entered the room when Hudson was still in there then one of the teachers told Danny to just leave him because he was doing fine. My primary class was right next door to the nursery so I kept checking in on him and it was such a bittersweet sight. He was so good and looked so grownup in there that it made my mommy heart proud of him but yet also sad that I need to admit he is a toddler and not a baby. He has gone in every week since and not once have they had to grab either Danny or I for him because he's just such a chill kid. He was a chill baby and others are still using that word to describe him today. Even when other kids were crying in there for their parents he wasn't even phased by it and just does his own thing. I love this boy. We just moved into our new place this weekend and yesterday would have been his official first day in the new ward but the poor boy is sick. Again.
Sick. Fever. Chills. Teething. Double Ear Infection. Lots and Lots of Tears.
Hudson doesn't have the best immune system. The poor boy is always sick. In fact the first time in his life where he went a full month not being sick didn't happen until he was fifteen months old. It also makes sense why he wasn't the best sleeper. Danny and I aren't too impressed with his pediatrician and we feel like it's time we try to find Hudson a new one. Especially since we just moved and it might be nice to find someone local here in Provo. He has not been feeling well at all. We know he's teething and currently is working on five teeth with four of them being his molars but we also had a sinking feeling that maybe his pain was even beyond these reasons. We took him into the ER today because his fever spiked to 102.7 and it turns out that little Hudson has a double ear infection. The frustrating part though is that he had seen his pediatrician this same morning for his 18 month well check and it wasn't caught even though his ears had been checked. He was supposed to get some shots today but we're going to delay them because of how miserable Hudson is currently feeling. Hopefully with his newly prescribed antibiotics we'll see some relief. Danny and I are now in disbelief and wonder if this isn't the first time he's had an ear infection. We think it's definitely possible that he's experienced this before and we feel bad for him that it's never been caught after all the times he's been taken in to see his pediatrician. I'm thinking it might be more beneficial to take him to the ER instead of the office from here on out because the same thing has happened when he had RSV and Bronciolitis. He had seen his doctor that same morning but didn't get any diagnosis or treatment until after seeing the on call doctor at the ER. Anyway I'm just ranting on and on at this point when I should be talking more about Hudson right now. Moving on.

Hudson has discovered how to run and it's pretty cute. It's like he does high knees as he runs and Danny and I think it's the best thing to watch. He's an adventurous boy who loves to climb on everything, and I mean everything. We think he will be the first kid in our little family to find himself in the ER because of an injury. He tumbles and falls a lot and usually will try the same thing that just made him fall after he gets in a quick snuggle. He keeps us on our toes and can't be left alone. For the most part though he actually hates to be alone. He HAS to be wherever I am. He loves to play with Addie and Georgia but will always find his way back to me to make sure I'm not doing anything fun without him. He also is the sweetest boy when Danny comes home. He makes sure to let Danny know that he's excited to see him back from work.
He still LOVES books and will sit on anyone's lap who will read him a book. 

At 18 months Hudson loves:
Being Outside
Helping mommy unload the dishes
To hold a toy in each hand at ALL times

Favorite Shows:
Room On The Broom
Nursery Rhymes
Little Baby Bum

Favorite Songs:
Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree
Row Row Row Your Boat
You Are My Sunshine

Favorite Books:
How Does A Dinosaur Say Good Night
How Does A Dinosaur Say I Love You
Where's Baby's Belly Button
Favorite Foods:
All Fruits and Veggies
Goldfish Crackers
Apple Sauce
Being brought inside from outside
Being told he can't climb on something
When Mom can't hold him because she's busy

Hudson is up to 48 words right now. At 15 months he knew 21 so he's picked up on quite a bit in the last three months.

His latest 27 words:

Binky (BeeBee)
Where it go?
I Don't Know
Choo Choo
Come Back
Thank You
Round And Round
Beep Beep Beep
Got It

18 month old stats:
Weight - 23.7 lbs (43.38%)
Length - 33.5 in (84.81%)

Since he's been so sick this week the only recent pictures I have of him are sleeping pictures because if he was awake it meant he was crying. That's okay because sleeping pictures might be the best thing ever and I couldn't resist checking on this sweet little boy.
What he looked like awake this week. :(

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