Friday, June 29, 2018

Mommy Daughter Date

Last night after the kids were in bed Danny and I were talking and our conversation led to the fact that Addie hasn't experienced a movie in the movie theater yet. We felt that she was at an age where she'd enjoy it but that it would be difficult because now we have Hudson who is not at an age where he'd sit through a movie. What makes it harder is that by the time that Hudson would be ready we'd then have Baby Bean who would be at the wiggly stage. That's when Danny suggested that I take Addie to the movies for our own little mommy daughter date. I was pretty excited. Not only would it be Addie's first time at the movies but it would also be our very first official mommy daughter date. She's been on two dates with Danny but not with me yet so I went to bed looking forward to it. Danny had the day off today because Addie had a dentist appointment scheduled today so we all went together. She was so brave. It wasn't until after that I told her we had something planned for her with just the two of us and she got excited too. We had lunch then took the boys home (Danny and Hudson) and I headed out with Addie for our date. I still didn't tell her our plan until we pulled up to the Cinemark. I turned off the car and asked her if she knew where we were and she said "no but I know I already love it!!" with as much enthusiasm as she could. It was pretty cute. The movie we chose was Incredibles 2 and for the most part she did pretty good. She did not anticipate that we'd have to sit through thirty minutes of straight previews so by the time the movie finally started she was a little bored. She did stick it through to the end though so that was good. It turns out that she still might not be at the perfect age for a full length movie but I'm still glad we did it. It felt good having one on one time with my little girl before her newest little brother joins our family in a few weeks.

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