Friday, June 15, 2018

It All Worked Out

Back on February 1st I wrote this blog post, It will Work Out, I Just Don't Know How. I was so stressed beyond belief. I didn't think I could handle much more. My stress was probably amplified because I was also a pregnant hormonal person. I still am pregnant and hormonal but also so grateful for how it all worked out. The four main things that kept me up at night at the time were the following:

1) Waiting to hear back from grad school was stressful. Boy was that a roller coaster ride for sure.

2) Preparing for an unplanned pregnancy was not easy. I had a hard time feeling connected with this baby and I felt extremely guilty about that.

3) We did not have a vehicle to fit a family of five and after living with no car payments I really didn't want to get in debt for a new car.

4) The storage units/apartment was being sold and we had thirty days to find a new place which was hard because we weren't able to commit to any leases without knowing about grad school.

I was driving myself crazy going from one worry to the next worry over and over again but it all worked out! :)

1) Danny was accepted into BYU's PhD program! :)

2) We found out the gender early at 16 weeks and the SECOND I saw our baby on the screen there was an instant connection. I felt so guilty about not feeling it the whole first trimester but it finally came and it came hard. I am so in love with this little guy. Now I just pray that this little man can be born healthy and well. Even then I know it will all be alright.

3) The very following day of me posting that hard post on February 1st Danny was interviewed for a second job and was hired on the spot! Such a blessing for us! After much research and searching we bought a minivan that is perfect for our family.

4) The storage units were sold and they decided to keep us on until August instead of us being out by March 1st. We were happy because it gave us the time we needed to hear back from grad school and plan accordingly. We found the perfect place for our family in a great location and for a price well below all the other places on the market. The landlord liked us so much she offered it to us right in the middle of her open house. Such a blessing and an answer to our prayers. We are now officially Provo residents.

Life definitely has its hard moments but it's also pretty good. :)

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