Thursday, July 5, 2018

July 4th 2018

Once again one of my favorite holidays is here! I just love the fourth. I think it's the atmosphere and all the excitement that gets me looking forward to it every year. This is our first year here living right across from the BYU stadium where they host the Stadium of Fire and we heard that traffic gets pretty crazy in our neighborhood and not to leave anywhere in order to avoid it. We knew we wanted to get out of the house and enjoy the holiday but we made sure our plans were for the morning. Shortly after the kids woke up we ate breakfast and then headed to Tracy Aviary. We've been wanting to go there all summer and with Danny having the day off we decided to skip the morning parade and enjoy ourselves checking that off our list. It was the perfect way to spend our time as a little family. Hudson is OBSESSED with birds. He got it from his daddy and he was in heaven. Addie likes doing anything out of the house and also enjoyed herself. Her favorite birds there were the flamingos and Hudson's favorite was by far the Southern Ground Hornbill. It took a lot of persistence to get him away from that enclosure. They both also really liked the peacocks that roamed around.
We spent a couple of hours at the Aviary and left around lunchtime. Hudson experienced his first lunch outing sitting in the booth with the rest of us instead of the highchair and he thought it was the coolest thing ever. Danny and I both preferred otherwise though and now fear that he will never want to sit in a highchair again.

We made it home and relaxed until the night festivities began. Because we live so close to Stadium of Fire we were able to provide parking for two different families that we're friends with. My parents, grandma, and brothers Ben and Jacob also came up to spend the evening with us. We've been loving our yard and we discovered that an added bonus is that we have a good view of the jumbo screen tv. That meant that we were able to enjoy a free concert without even leaving our place. This also means that we can watch free BYU football games from our yard if we wanted to. This year the performers for the concert was One Republic. It's not my most favorite band but it was still fun and it's technically the first concert Danny and I have now experienced together so that's pretty cool. My parents brought cookies and pop its for the kids which both of them loved throwing them on the ground. My dad brought three boxes and they popped them all.
I was curious to see how the kids would react to us being so close to the Stadium of Fire fireworks and honestly thought they would both love it. Well one of them did and one of them definitely did not. Addie thought they were awesome and loved every pink and purple firework she saw. Hudson hated it and wanted nothing to do with any of it. He was terrified. It all started when the fighter jets flew over our yard before the concert started. He loves planes so we thought he'd like it but those jets were so loud and so low that he was a little traumatized by it. After that he didn't want to be out of my arms and when the fireworks started he was just as equally frightened. It also didn't help that he didn't nap because of our morning outing so he was so tired and just cried for his bed. Danny and I took turns holding him inside during the fireworks while the other parent enjoyed it with Addie. When the night was finally over both kids fell asleep so fast. It was a fun holiday for sure. People were right when they warned us about how crazy traffic is so we plan on staying home every year from here on out when it comes time for the concert to start.
Waiting for the concert to start.
Hudson didn't last long and hated it.
Overall I'd say it was a pretty good 4th of July. It was memorable that's for sure. Maybe next year Hudson might actually enjoy the fireworks but then again chances are high that at that point it will be Baby Bean who won't like it. :)
* Also needing to be documented was the craziest story that happened after everyone had left and the kids were in bed. It's something that Danny and I will never forget but unfortunately the full story will have to stay between me and him. Maybe one day I'll come back to this post and add it here but for now it will have to remain unwritten. *
Picture from last year. Hudson is wearing the same exact shorts this year that he wore last year.

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