Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bird Watching

Danny has always enjoyed birds and bird watching. Last summer we spent a couple evenings at UVU tracking down a hawk that he enjoyed observing. He's been wanting to take a bird class since the beginning of our marriage but it never worked out. I bought him some binoculars this last Christmas but they weren't very great as far as quality goes so for his birthday his mom got him some really nice ones and now we leave the house as a family to go bird watching all the time. He goes for the birds, Addie and Hudson go for the rocks on the trails and I go for the pictures. I'm glad Danny has a hobby he's picked up and really enjoys. He's taken some great pictures of the birds he's found which I'll have to upload onto this blog when I get a chance. For now I'll just post some of the kids from earlier tonight because they're just too cute not to post.

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