Friday, January 25, 2019

Wishes for Grant

Baby bean is halfway til one! I absolutely love that he is in our family. He was so needed. He still brings an undeniable peace to our home. He says mama, is getting really good at sitting, blows raspberries, gives kisses and loves to laugh. He will let anyone hold him as long as I am in his sight. He doesn't like it when I leave the room and will cry to let everyone know about it. I'm definitely his favorite person in the world and I love it. He hasn't shown any interest in crawling and hardly ever rolls over. He knows how but doesn't care to. He does love to sit though and has great balance. He's going through a phase where his naps aren't that great and his nights are always a gamble on how much sleep we both will get. He slept better as a newborn for sure. It all started when we transitioned him into his crib and then that was followed by him getting sick with RSV/Bronchiolitis. His amazing sleeping skills haven't fully returned but that's okay. He loves snuggles, being held and playing peek a boo and patty cake. Addie ADORES him and Hudson is starting to interact with him more and more. As for Danny and I we are both completely smitten with him. Grant baby we sure love you.

At six months Danny and I have written our "hopes" for both Addie and Hudson and we have done the same for Grant. We try to do this without looking at our previous hopeful letters that we did for the older two and have found that sometimes some of our thoughts are similar to what we have said before. Basically we just want the best for our kids.

I hope that you – know how much you are needed in our lives.
I hope you aren’t afraid – to try new things. I hope you aren't afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore all possibilities. 
I hope you love – every season you're in throughout life. This is something I have to try hard at and I hope it comes easy for you.
I hope you laugh – at things that bring joy. Laugh loudly and proudly and others will join in on the moment.
I hope you never forget – your values. I hope others know and don't forget your values as well.
I hope you ignore – naysayers. Don't believe in words that come from people who do not believe in you.
I hope you become – an observant young man with people around you. Be aware of how others are feeling in different situations. Help others feel comfortable when they need it but are hesitant to express it.
I hope you respect – your teachers.
I hope you grow – spiritually. Don't shy away from being vulnerable with the spirit and our Heavenly Father.

I hope that you – grow strong.
I hope you aren’t afraid – of giving it your all.
I hope you love – our Heavenly Father and this world He created for you.
I hope you laugh – at your mistakes.
I hope you never forget – that you are my son and I love you.
I hope you ignore – what other people think of you.
I hope you become – a loving, caring man who will do anything for his family.
I hope you respect – all women, and everyone who is doing their best.
I hope you grow – your hair out at least once in your life. You'll never know when it goes away. Like your dad's. 
Happy six months Bean!
Link to Addie's wishes from us.
Link to Hudson's wishes from us.

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