Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter 2019

The Easter holiday for us starts on Saturday and this year I might have gone a little overboard. It was nothing too crazy but a little more than we'd like to do. We definitely want to simplify it from here on out. The kids had a great day though and I love seeing their smiles. We started the morning with them looking through their piles and once everyone was done with breakfast and dressed we headed out to our backyard for a little egg hunt.
Addie's Pile
Hudson's Pile
Grant's Pile
After our egg hunt the boys were able to fit a nice nap in and then enjoyed some egg coloring. Hudson really only cared about the blue dye and wasn't interested much in the other colors. Addie says her favorite color is rainbow which basically is her way of saying all of them are her favorite.
Grandma Donna wanted to celebrate Easter on Saturday as well this year so we ended our day at their house with a barbecue as well as another egg hunt and more egg dying. The kids had a great time.

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