Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy Anniversary

Another year of marriage under our belts. It's now been six years since our family officially started. It has been a ride for sure. It's true when they say that marriage isn't always easy. Most things that are worth it usually aren't easy though. It takes work, commitment and dedication. Danny is my person and I would be lost if it weren't him. We have been married for 312 weeks and once again I am either pregnant or nursing haha. To be clear though I am not pregnant and I'm currently trying to wean baby bean from nursing. It's not going smoothly. With that said though I have been pregnant or nursing for 278 weeks out of the 312. Danny calculated that this counts for 90% of our marriage so far. That's only 34 weeks of me having no added hormones so who's to say that he has even been married to the real me this whole time haha. All jokes aside I'm glad that Danny and I have brought three beautiful babies into this world together. I'm glad that we have created a lot of fondly memories and traditions as well as overcome every obstacle sent our way. We've seen a lot of job changes and have moved five times in our six years together. The hardest thing though that we have done is spend seven weeks apart. That was brutal. It made me realize just how much I need him here with us. We're stronger together. I love Daniel George and I'm excited for this next year together. I feel like it's going to be a really great one.
We are in the thick of grad school right now and aren't in a phase of life where we can say that we have a lot of money. We have to budget for things we need and want which is okay because in the end we know these years we're going through will be so worth it. Just because we're not what you would call rich we still made sure to celebrate this day. He sent me yellow roses and I took all the kids to the dollar store while he was at school and bought a whole bunch of random objects that I could put together as a gift for him. I really wanted to do more but he thought it was perfect. I'm looking forward to when we'll be celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary and I can look back on this year and just smile at the thought of going anniversary shopping at the dollar store with three little kids in tow. We spent the evening going out to a sushi restaurant and then playing arcade games at Nickelmania while Jill watched our kids. Daniel George I love you and thank you for sticking by my side.

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