Friday, August 9, 2019

Mom Confession

This was a hard moment for me. I struggle with making sure that everything stays clean, neat and organized. To call me a clean freak would be a perfect description. I'm constantly cleaning while still trying to find a balance where I don't feel like I'm taking away from my kids' childhood. It's hard. If I see a mess I have to clean it right then and there. I clean from the moment I wake up until way after the kids are in bed and it's hard for me to step away from that and to just relax. It's really hard. Kids like to get messy and dirty and I understand that but when I walked out to let my family know that dinner was ready and saw them covered in mud I had to force myself to bite my tongue. I didn't want to react and show how I really felt and instead chose to not get upset. I want them to be kids and I want them to play hard. Even if that means that I'll have to deal with the craziness of it all. My distaste of dirt is not going to go away over night and I can't promise that I'll always keep my cool. But today I hope that they remember this evening with fond memories. They're only little for a little while.

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