Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarentined Easter

This Easter was definitely interesting. Prior to Covid-19 we had plans to celebrate this holiday with my side of the family this year. However, this virus changed everything. With the 'stay home order' in place we are discouraged to be in groups of more than ten people and we are to limit interactions with those over the age of 65 because they are more susceptible to catching the virus. For the first time we stayed at home as our own little family of five. I stressed over what we would have as our first Easter dinner but it turned out great because we got to make food that our kids would actually eat. The kids are on the picky side and never eat the food when we go visit our families. It was a little bittersweet to not visit relatives especially because some ignored the order and got together anyway so it was hard not to feel left out but in the end we feel good about obeying our church and government leaders. We still kept close to tradition by doing our own Easter egg hunt for the kids the day before Easter Sunday. They were excited to wake up to their baskets and even more excited to do the hunt outside. They were a little shocked not to see their baskets right away though because we hid them but got excited once they realized they got to find them. It made it more fun for them and also brought some of my own childhood memories of searching for the baskets back to me. We also died eggs which they always look forward to and we all just thoroughly enjoyed this weekend together. 
Last year I went a little overboard with their baskets and vowed to do better this year as far as spoiling them. I'm not sure how well I did. I feel like I still went a little over the top. For example, Hudson has been asking for a few weeks now if he can have a crocodile costume. I ended up ordering one due to quarantine boredom but then needed to justify that purchase so I decided to count it as an Easter gift. 😁 But because I did that I had to add things to Addie and Grant's baskets to make it fair. I don't regret it though because Hudson was so excited and happy to receive it. Plus he was really cute hunting for plastic eggs in his green new costume. Addie also decided to hunt for eggs wearing a costume as well so she could match her little brother.

We always try to keep Sunday morning on the spiritual side which is why we do baskets and eggs the day before. It's been different doing church at home but also nice because now we aren't late for sacrament meeting. We had a little lesson on the atonement and kept it short because we're dealing with toddler attention spans but it was nice. I don't know how long quarantine is going to last but it has been nice to spend so much time as just us.

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