Tuesday, January 19, 2021

First Non Stress Test

My 30 week appointment was today and I'm actually at the doctor's office right now. I was able to see the girls and both are weighing exactly 2 pounds 15 ounces. I thought that was a good size and was happy they both are the same instead of one being a lot bigger than the other. It means they are sharing nicely in there. However, I guess they are measuring small. They're currently in the 8% so instead of a quick visit like I thought it would be I'm here strapped to some monitors starting my first non stress test. They weren't supposed to start for another two weeks but the high risk doctor ordered the first one for right now and I'll be doing this weekly from now on. I'm in a room with heart monitors on my belly and after about thirty minutes I should be able to leave.

I feel bad though because I thought I would be able to pick up Addie from school. Today is early pick up day for her so Danny is going to get her for me but I know it conflicts with his school schedule and I feel guilty about that. 

Even though the babies are measuring small I feel at peace about their overall health. Baby A is still breeched and Baby B is also transversed but anything different than that would've been surprising at this point. I would have been super happy but I don't think Baby A will flip at this point. I'd like her to, but I don't think she will.

It's now been longer than 30 minutes but they want to make sure that everything is looking good before I go and right now it seems like Baby A has the hiccups so they aren't getting the heart readings they'd like to. Hopefully it's not too much longer though. I'm writing this post from my phone and my phone battery is low so I better end here. Keep growing baby girls so we can all meet each other under healthy circumstances. 

Baby B's profile facing Baby A

Both heartbeats from the girls. This picture makes them look fairly
even but both were all over the place due to one wiggling around and the 
other having hiccups. 

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