Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 Goals

Last year the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints implemented a new program centered on goals in four different areas - spiritual, social, intellectual and physical. The plan we had made was for Danny and I to check in with one another to keep each other accountable with our personal goals. That lasted a couple of weeks and then we didn't keep it up. 

Here's a recap of the goals I had made for 2020.

2020 GOALS

-       Take notes during individual Come Follow Me study
-       Plan one big FHE a week as a lesson recap for the kids


-       Organize one fun outing or playdate for the kids and myself each month ✅
-       Support family in their endeavors (sports, concerts and just visits)


-       Read five books this year
-       Keep finances up to date every pay period instead of end of each month


-       Reach goal weight and maintain it
-       Work out 120x this year (roughly 3x a week) at home or gym ✅

I did pretty good for half of the year. It was July when I suddenly started falling behind in almost every one of those four areas. My Come Follow Me study book was completely marked up and had my notes until the month of July. We did really good with FHE lessons up until the month of August. One thing I did do well in was make sure there was one fun outing for us to do as a family for every month. With Covid restrictions it started getting hard to see family members and even though I maybe did a small thing that could help me check off this item I can't really count it as a goal being achieved. I did not read five books last year. I probably read three but not five. I did well some months with keeping up with the finances every two weeks but it wasn't every month. It was up to date at the end of each month but the goal was to have it up to date every other week and that I was not consistent on. I obviously did not maintain my goal weight but I did reach it. 👍 And I surpassed my goal of 120x working out last year. I actually reached my goal in early July but then after that I stopped. So I didn't see how far I could've gone with this goal and that would have been cool but my body is barely hanging on with this pregnancy.

Now that I've done a recap of my 2020 Goals here is my next attempt at hopefully getting more check marks near my resolutions at the end of this new year.

2021 GOALS

-       Study Come Follow Me Individually
-       Plan weekly church lessons for the kids


-       Attend sacrament meeting in person at least 1x a month (we've currently been participating through zoom)
-       Be open to accepting help from others this year (this will be my hardest goal yet)


-       Keep blog up to date monthly
-       Keep finances up to date every pay period instead of end of each month. (I'd like to try this one again)


-       Learn to love my body
-       Lose baby weight by end of the year

Last year I did really well with my goals for half of the year and this year I think I'm going to go a little easier on myself. It's going to be a crazy year and I don't want to overwhelm myself. Honestly my biggest goal for myself this year is just to survive it. I want to do well but I also want to be okay if I don't. If at the end of the year the only thing I'm able to check off is that I've learned to love my new body that will be enough.

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