Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Zoo Day 2021

I think we have gone to the zoo every summer since Addie was a baby and it always turns out to be a fun filled day. For the last three years or so we've gone with my parents. They got a grandparents zoo pass when they first came home from their mission and have set aside days to take as many grandkids as they can to the zoo. They don't even expect the parents to tag along and I think that's so awesome and fun of them. I've chosen to come along every time so far because my kids are some of their younger grandchildren so I do provide my help, plus it's pretty fun for me as well. This year Danny took off work too and tagged along which was super great since we do bring along five kids all ages six and under. It was a great day. I had Addie, Hudson and Grant all dressed in plain white t shirts which turned out to be a very smart choice because they were so easy to find in a crowd of so many kids. Not once did we lose them, but then again they never have been lost before and maybe that's because I'm too much of a protective mama bear but it never hurts to be too prepared. Our kids are so great and I'm so proud of who they are growing up to be. Even the babies did so good! They never got fussy or whiney and were just super champs. There are plenty of times where I catch myself thinking "wow this is my family and this is my life" and today was one of those days. I love being a mom and I couldn't have dreamed up better kids to grow up with.
Cousin Crew
Hudson's favorite animals are Rhinos and Lemurs.
Addie with Tiare

Lunch Time


Home Sweet Home

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