Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Great Brain Project 🦋

Addie completed her Great Brain project at school today. She did so well presenting her project on butterflies. She gave a little report on what she's learned through reading books, visiting the butterfly biosphere, interviewing butterfly handlers and even raising her own. She presented a poster and also showed videos of her interviews. She did so so well. I was extremely proud of her. Great Brain projects are optional research projects that students can do on their own if they choose. They get recognized in a school assembly and are presented with a medal for doing so. Addie didn't have to it at all but she chose to focus on butterflies and I'm so glad she did. It's been fun for the family to help her with outings to the biosphere, raising caterpillars, and even going to the library for research. I'm so happy she was able to learn so much about something she's always been very interested in. I love you Addie Rae.

A clip from her presentation.

Some videos she showed the class today.

I found this picture of her when she was two years old. It's been five years and she's still the same with them. 🦋

We love these close up shots of them.

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