Friday, March 18, 2022

St. Paddy's Day


I wasn't planning on going all out for today. We had cereal that turned the milk green and I thought that would be good enough haha. That wasn't the case. Addie came home from school today as excited as can be. She told me how a leprechaun had gotten into her school and caused so much mischief. Chairs were on desks, things were upside down and many things misplaced. She told me how the leprechaun even went into the violin room and made a mess in there. As she was talking I could see where this was going. This was going to be another elf on the shelf situation and I braced myself. She told me how her teacher even caught it but then it escaped before any of the students could see it. She was so hyped up. As soon as we got home she started making a leprechaun trap, wrote a note and drew it a picture. So, I guess now I need to figure out if a leprechaun is going to appear before the sun goes down.
"Dear leperchaan, will you plese be in the jar?
Yes / No
I have candy in the jar for you?
Yes / No
Will you be my fiend?
Yes / No
How long can I cepe you?
Then Hudson wanted his picture taken with a little art project he had done at school today. This is his current go to face and stance when we take pictures now. I'm not sure why haha but oh well. Hudson is such a cutie. And of course Grant wanted a picture taken. He had been wearing a green shirt earlier today and has since changed his clothes. He changes outfits two to three times a day. It's not fun as far as laundry is concerned. Also I'm not sure why he's not wearing pants.

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For dinner we had grilled cheese sandwiches made from green colored bread. I think the color threw the kids off a little bit and it wasn't as exciting as I imagined it was going to be. That's okay though. You win some, you lose some. The babies could care less though and ate everything so that's great. We had donuts for dessert that Danny picked up on his way home today. That gesture of course was a win with the kids. I had asked him if he could go to the bakery to pick up green donuts but of course those had all been gone by the time Danny was able to go. No complaints here though. Donuts will always be a hit regardless of what color they are.

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I had told Addie that I didn't think a leprechaun had a chance to even stop by because someone was always near the trap (it had been on the kitchen counter all day). She agreed and I thought I was off the hook but she believed that since everyone was going to bed that there was still a chance for one last visit attempt.

Everyone is in bed now and of course my holiday loving heart knew I was going to do something about her cute little trap. Plus how could I not respond to that adorable letter she wrote for it? I'm not a monster. I definitely knew I was going to somehow respond to that. I got rid of her green little candy and tipped her jar over. Luckily we happened to have some left over green sprinkles from Christmas that she didn't even know about and I spread that across her note and left some in her jar. I changed my handwriting so she wouldn't recognize it and left some notes on her note. I know this isn't much at all but hopefully it's enough. Now we just wait for her reaction in the morning. I now know to be better prepared for next year. You would think that the Felix situation would have taught me that now that Addie is in all day school she's exposed to way more traditions and wants to experience them as well. She's definitely paving the way for all her younger siblings who's going to benefit from new traditions that Addie isn't even realizing she's starting haha.

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She loved it! She ran straight to the jar first thing this morning. She was excited to tell all her friends about it, since I think she felt a little left out when they were all telling her about their leprechaun visit yesterday morning. She also came home with these pictures she colored at school and was pretty excited to show me them.

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