Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Fifth Birthday Letter To Grant Bean

Dear Grant,

Another year older. It kind of feels like you've been four forever and now here we are at age five. You're still tiny but mighty. You're in the 5th percentile for height, but you definitely don't let anything hold you back. Even though you can't touch the bottom of the pool I suspect you will be full on swimming by the end of summer. You've made such huge progress in that area. I love watching you learn and progress. You've also come a long way with reading. It's been so amazing seeing you put sentences together and finish full books. That's been really cool. You've always been someone who was ready to take on the next step no matter what it is. Like when you couldn't wait to become a sunbeam or when you couldn't wait to be in preschool. You've always been ready ahead of your time. Kindergarten is right around the corner and I don't even have to worry with thoughts of whether or not you can handle full days away from home. I already know you're going to crush it. You already tend to wake up early so I don't even think that will be an issue for you. 

I'm so excited to see all you achieve in this next year. You've been a really fun person to watch grow up. We've always been really close and I love that we still are. You have a tender soul. I think this past year with the passing of my sister some anxiety has revealed itself in you. You worry about life sometimes and you want to make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to us. It breaks my heart that you worry about these things every now and then. I want you to know that I love you Grant Alexander and I always will. I have your back and will always be here to cheer you on. It's my pleasure to do so. It's more than my pleasure, it's one of the greatest things I get to experience in my life. I love you Beans. Happy fifth birthday G.

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