Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Grant Is Five!

It's Bean's birthday!! Well it was yesterday. I can't believe he's five. He also can't quite believe it either. He woke up and asked if he could still be four but keep the presents. He's hilarious, kind, thoughtful, gentle, an amazing learner and a great friend. We spent the day doing his favorite things which lately includes swimming and water slides. I feel honored to be in his corner and to have him in my life. Happy birthday G!
(His last night as a four year old)

All About Grant Year Five (All pretty similar to year four)
Favorite Foods - Cheesy Rollups from Taco Bell, Pizza, Taco Pasta, Spaghetti and Meatballs
Favorite Shows - Waterslide Youtube Videos, Blippi and Floor is Lava
Favorite Movies - None
Favorite Book - Trucks (he still loves his Trucks sticker book, he got some new ones this year that maybe he'll love just as much)
Favorite Songs - Lightswitch and Fireball
Favorite Toy - Hot Wheels
He Can - He can read! Do front flips.
Favorite Color - Pink                               
Nicknames - Beans, Grant Boy
Loves - Swimming! Play doh and Hot Wheels
Dislikes - Bedtime
Favorite Game - House but with cars (he made it up)
* Links to all other "All About Grant" posts at the bottom.

We started off the day with presents at eight in the morning. The kids had used up all the tape so we couldn't wrap up his presents but putting them all in a laundry hamper and covering it up with a towel seemed to do the job just fine. His gifts had two different themes . . . pool toys and hot wheels. If it wasn't some kind of new pool water toy it was car related. Danny did throw in a Ninja Turtle (Leo of course) toy in there and it was the only gift Grant wasn't excited about. One day we'll get him to be a fan of his almost namesake haha.
After presents and breakfast we headed to the waterpark. We spent the day at Aquatica and had so much fun. The first thing we wanted to do was go on Stingray Falls which is a waterslide that goes ends with you going through a tunnel surrounded by wild stingrays. It's pretty cool. We were not planning on the line for the ride being an hour long wait. I still don't know why it took so long. We were there just a half hour after opening hours and it was the first thing on our list. We were still dry from not getting in any other water area yet. Although we weren't dry by the time we did get on the ride. It was so hot, everyone was wet from sweat. People around us were getting really frustrated because this was far from the normal wait times but the kids did so well waiting! I couldn't help myself from feeling so proud of them and I let them know multiple times how impressed I was by them. Eventually an employee let us use the quick queue line even though we didn't have the wristbands for it and we finally got to enjoy the ride. We would have easily been in there close to another hour had the employee not done that for us. We were so excited to go down on it. I had no idea it would be way faster than I thought. The boys loved it soooo much. Addie on the other hand would have preferred for the ride to not be so fast. She thought the tube was going to flip and I couldn't help myself from screaming and laughing at the same time. It definitely was a fast ride and I'm kind of siding with Addie on this one but when you have two boys were really loved it you kind of have to hide the fact that you also were kind of terrified during the whole ride. I think it would have been better if Addie and I were both positioned better but the way it worked out had Addie and I going backwards the whole way so we couldn't see anything coming our way. I did love that I was able to clearly see the faces of Hudson and Grant as they both had the time of their lives. After the ride they wanted to go again but there was no way we were going to deal with that line again. We thought it would be such a quick thing that as soon as we got there Danny told us to go ahead and run to the ride with the older three while he got the twins ready. We thought we would be done at the same time haha. Little did we know that over an hour would pass before we would all be together again. Once we were back together we wasted no time in jumping from place to place trying to fit as much as we could into our day. Grant has really become quite the little swimmer. He was doing so well in the wave pool keeping up with the waves as they went over his head. He could really be swimming all on his own before the end of the year and I'm so excited about that. Addie officially is a swimmer which is so awesome to see how much they all have progressed just this year alone. I don't ever take many photos when we're doing something water related. It helps to be more present even if the downside is that you don't have the photos to look back on later. I took a few pictures when we first got there and then again when we were sitting down with snacks. All in all it was an amazing day. We stayed from 11am until 3pm and then headed back home. 
Snack Break
On our way home we stopped to have Grant's birthday dinner choice - Taco Bell. He's a kid after my own heart. I will always say yes to Taco Bell. By this time it was 4:30pm so it was kind of an early dinner but it worked out since we didn't really have a full lunch, just some snacks at the waterpark. 
After Taco Bell we stopped at HEB where I quickly ran in to get Grant's birthday cake surprise. He had asked for an Oreo cake and I had seen that HEB carried Oreo ice cream cakes and we thought that would be a fun surprise for him. He was so excited when he saw me with it. He had no idea that it could be both ice cream and a cake and he loved that idea. It was a first for all of us and everyone wanted seconds. It was a great day for a great kid. Grant I love you so much. Happy birthday buddy. I hope you enjoyed every second of it.
Link to All About Grant Year One
Link to All About Grant Year Two
Link to All About Grant Year Three
Link to All About Grant Year Four

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