Wednesday, August 2, 2023

10 Week Challenge

Eight weeks ago I posted about me and where I was at with my year goals. One of those goals was in the physical area. The reason I know this was eight weeks ago is because at the time I was two weeks into my self started ten week ten pound weight loss challenge. 

This was what I shared at that time.

(PHYSICAL I have been a little discouraged in this area. I regularly exercise up to six times a week but I wasn't losing anything. I would love to lose ten pounds and that goal is still a very strong desire. Two weeks ago I messaged my good MTC mission friend Ariana and I told her that I was personally starting a ten week challenge. I told her I wanted to lose ten pounds in ten weeks. Which might be crazy because in five months I had lost zero. But by including an outside friend into this I would feel the pressure and she was going to hold me accountable as well. That was two weeks ago and I am down two pounds. So far I've been able to lose a pound a week which is incredible. Then just last night I got a call from my dad saying that he booked some flights to fly out here and be with the kids forcing Danny and I to take a kid free vacation. We have never done that before and he knew that was long overdue. It's a little gift for our ten year anniversary which is so generous and great of him. I was looking at my calendar this morning to make sure I had the date down and it turns out that the day they fly in is the final day of my ten week challenge. Who would have thought? Anyway now I'm even more extra motivated to reach my goal. I really hope I can see this one through.)

That challenge ended today. I must have counted wrong somewhere because I thought I was ending it one week from now which is the day that Danny and I leave for our anniversary trip. Anyway, the challenge has officially ended and I'm back where I started on day one. Seriously. Down to the exact ounce. The scale read the same number. I'm not discouraged though. I thought I would be. So in that sense I am proud of myself. Proud that I'm not beating myself up over this. I've been messaging my good friend every Wednesday morning as a way to find myself accountable and that was great for me. I lost three pounds in three weeks and then every week since was a fluctuation between gain, maintain and lost. 

Am I giving up? Heck no. I'm still as motivated as ever and I still want to give this another go. So I'm starting again. Ten weeks from now is October 11th so here we go!

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