Saturday, September 23, 2023

Pool Friend Birthday Party

Addie had her first official friend birthday party and thankfully it turned out great. I was pretty nervous because we've never done this before but with help from Danny and the other parents it really was a success. Originally the plan was for Addie to choose five friends but that number quickly grew to seventeen! That included siblings of friends and did not include her own four siblings, so leading up to the day I was a bit overwhelmed. She ended up having thirteen friends there which was more manageable haha. It really did end up being a great time. I had gone to Target two days before and bought a whole bunch of swim toys in their clearance section. I ended up finding really good deals which was awesome because Target was my third store searching. Walmart and HEB Plus both had zero swim toys so I was nervous heading into Target because it kind of felt like a last chance scenario with our timing and schedules. Luckily they had so many diving toys and pool tubes it all worked out perfectly. I ordered donuts from HEB Plus because it's easier than cake and it ended up being pretty mess free. Quinn managed to get herself covered in chocolate but that was nothing that a dip in the pool couldn't fix. We did miss nap time and Rylee scheduled with that near the end but even though she was tired she still loved the pool. We really lucked out with our timing. Picking our neighborhood pool for the party location was a risky gamble because you never know if it's going to be empty or crowded, especially with it being a hot Saturday afternoon. It felt like the universe was smiling down on us because we were the only ones there when we arrived. It was awesome. All of our guests even asked if we had reserved the pool because they couldn't believe we had the entire place to ourselves. We just lucked out. We had the whole pool to ourselves for a solid hour before some people showed up but even then nobody cared and we were able to continue the fun that we were having. There is one thing that I wish I could go back and change. I never did get a group picture of Addie and all the kids that showed up to support her. That's a fail. I wish I had but at the same time I don't regret not really having my phone out because we did need to be extra attentive with all the kids that were there. Safety first right? I do wish I had one picture though. Oh well. Overall I'm really glad it's all done because it was stressful and so much work but it was also worth it. Happy early birthday Addie Rae.


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