Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Year Review

I remember last year feeling kind of sad that the year had ended. We had just welcomed our daughter into this world and I felt like 2015 could never be as great as 2014 was. I was wrong. This last year had been very good to us. It didn't have any huge big moments like the birth of our girl but it did have many many small moments. It was the small moments that made it great though.

2015 went a little bit like this . . .

JANUARY - Our little miss rolled over from her back to her tummy and discovered her feet. This seems like such a silly small thing now but trust me it was a pretty big deal back then. 
FEBRUARY - Addisyn and I flew to Colorado to visit the Fertigs (who I consider to be family). It was her first plane ride and you can read about that trip HERE. Danny missed it because of school and work but we were able to accompany him on his trip to St. George which was a lot of fun. Our baby experienced two vacations within one month.
MARCH - For my birthday we went to the Puppy Barn for the first time. Danny still talks about adding a little bulldog to our family. Maybe one day he'll get his wish. 
APRIL - My mom got married to a very nice man named Bob. It's been fun having him in my mom's life.
MAY - Danny and I went on our first date without Addie! That was a rough date but well needed. I also got THIS sweetest letter from Danny for Mother's Day. It's probably one of my favorite notes from him.
JUNE - We celebrated Danny's birthday with a birthday week! It was also his first Father's Day! We got these family pictures taken in honor of both Mother's and Father's Day.
JULY - Yellowstone! Hopefully one day Addie and I will be able to go again but this time with Danny.
AUGUST - We celebrated our second anniversary with an anniversary week.
SEPTEMBER - Addisyn turned ONE!!
OCTOBER - The three of us dressed up as characters from Star Wars for Halloween. Marie also got married to Ty! We just got pictures back from that day that I'll post soon. 
NOVEMBER - We spent Thanksgiving with the Fergusons. 
DECEMBER - We had one of our best Christmas's yet.

Last year I said I was looking forward to Colorado, Arizona, Yellowstone, Disneyland and Addisyn turning one. Well Arizona didn't happen and unfortunately Disneyland didn't happen because of a Measles outbreak.

On a spiritual note Danny and I both reached our goal of finishing The Book of Mormon together and I reached my personal goal of reading the New Testament this year. We accomplished both goals on New Year's Eve, so we barely made it.

This year I am looking forward to . . .

Arizona (we plan on making this happen this year!), more dates with Danny (for Christmas he got a year full of pre-planned dates from me), reading The Book of Mormon again, and making sure 2016 is full of family memories!

2014 Year Review

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