Monday, November 9, 2015

Fall Fun

Since this blog has turned into my journal/scrapbook I wanted to post some pictures of what our Fall has been looking like so far. 

We kicked it off by going to my family's Halloween party. Baby Olivia was Wonder Woman and I couldn't help but snap these pictures of them. I wish I had taken better pictures because Addie was loving her little cousin.

That same day we went to the Witch Fest at Gardner's Village. I was so sad when we didn't go last year. It was just too cold and Addie was a month old but we went this year for both her and Danny's first time. Hopefully the Witch Fest is a start to a new family tradition because I love it there.
My in-laws introduced me to Jaker's Jack-O-Lantern's in Springville.  It's a cool pumpkin patch with a corn maze, corn pit, hay rides and a petting zoo. Danny was at work and Ty and Marie were still on their honeymoon but the rest of the Ferguson family were all there. Addie HATED the corn pit. Within a second of her even being put in it a random kid threw handfuls of corn in the air and unfortunately they landed on Addie's head. Needless to say she didn't last very long in there. She loved the animals though. You wouldn't expect to see a kangaroo in a small town country pumpkin patch but this place had one. It was a friendly little guy and when he got up on his back legs he was probably over four feet tall.
I was so impressed with the place that when Pollyanna and Aria came to visit our new home that same week I had to take them there. It was colder the second time and less crowded. I tried the corn pit again with Addie but she must have remembered her first experience because she still hated it. Aria on the other hand loved it. Maybe next year Addie might like it and maybe next year we'll go when Danny can too. We took some pictures on a bench right in front of the corn pit which is why you can see that Addie still wasn't done crying. 
This past weekend my sweet niece Mckenzie Jo was baptized. Danny and I were literally pulling into the parking lot as she was coming up from the water so sadly we missed it. We at least made it for her confirmation though. Beckie and Jason threw together a nice brunch at their house afterwards. Pollyanna and I couldn't get enough of baby Olivia. She sure is super cute.
Addie with five of her girl cousins.
Her eyes are gorgeous!
Opening her late birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma.

Danny and I went to the temple after the brunch to do sealings with Kari, Beckie, Jason, Giovanna, Leo and my parents who are in town. Pollyanna watched Addie so we could go. I hate to say this but Danny and I have been slacking on temple attendance. We used to go all the time but now we've made a goal to go at least once a month. So far we've been good for October and November. With a set goal between Danny and I it should be a lot easier now to stay diligent. Oh yeah, yesterday was our second Sunday in our new ward and we already have a calling. We're the new nursery teachers. Our ward has 48 nursery kids not counting Addie who will be tagging along with us, and that's also not counting the five or six more kids who will be nursery age soon.  This calling should be interesting. 

Anyway I'm excited for the rest of this Fall season and what it could bring. 

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