Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

Today Danny went back to school and work after having a week off with us. We love it when he's home with us. I think Addie was a little confused when she couldn't find him this morning. Now it's crunch time for him as he studies for eight finals in the next three weeks. 

To celebrate Danny's first day of his break last week we went and saw the Christmas lights at the Provo Riverwoods. It was super cold so we didn't last long. We did see Santa though, it's safe to say that Addie hated him. She's never been a fan of anyone with a beard so I knew Santa wouldn't be any different. She'll probably have two or three more chances to meet him again but I'm not sure she'll accept him this year. 
Danny's best friend Dallen was in town for thanksgiving with his wife and son so we all got together. I did something that night that would shock my father . . . we went to a BYU game . . . and it was fun. Really it was fun. It was both mine and Addie's first time. Now I just need to take her and Danny to a U of U game but it was nice to hang out with Danny's best friend. Their son Emerson is about a month younger and we joke that an arranged marriage might be in the future for them.
Thanksgiving this year was spent with Danny's side of the family. It was a little bittersweet for me just because next year my parents will still be in Europe so I'm not sure if my family will even get together and next year is the in laws year for everybody else on the Ferguson side. I told Danny we should go out of town next year but that's me thinking too much ahead again. I have a problem with doing that. Even though I said this holiday was bittersweet for me it was still more on the sweet side. I absolutely love the Ferguson family and we always have a great time. We ended the night doing my most favorite activity - family game night. 

I guess it's not fair for me to say I didn't see my siblings for thanksgiving this year because my mom and her new husband did throw together an early thanksgiving dinner for us last Sunday. All in all I have a pretty amazing family from all sides. 

I have a lot of things to be grateful for but my biggest blessing will always be Danny. Sometimes we can drive each other crazy but I couldn't live without him. Danny might not want everyone to know this but sometimes Danny can be a real softy. We were in the car this last week and he looked at me and said "I pray I'll never lose you. If I lost you I'd lose everything." Awww right? How could I not love this man? 

Danny is one of the few people who reads my blog so Daniel George this is for you - I sure do love you! 
Every night for the past twenty days Danny and I have been writing down things that we appreciate about each other and last night we read our little notes to each other.
A few of those notes.
We decided to continue this but instead of writing notes to each other we'll focus our blessings on our Savior. We plan on sharing them with each other on Christmas Eve. We figure this stage of life that we're in is the best time to start traditions focused on Christ. Life isn't perfect but some days it feels pretty darn close to it. 

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